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Rebecca's POV

We get back from shopping and all the boys are sitting out on the back porch talking. I walk towards Rae who wraps his arm around my waist and I lean down to kiss him.

"Hey babe, what did you guys do while we were gone?" I ask

"Well, we have a proposition for you girls..." Kalvin offers.

"Which is?" London asks

"Well-" Aryn starts but is cut off by Ryan.

"WERE GETTING DRUNK BITCHESSS" he yells scaring the dog on his lap.

Raegan can see the slight confusion on our faces and further explains, "Aryn works with a guy you is also a bouncer at a club downtown and can get us in without ids."

"So illegal activities on vacation... fun." I giggle, it does make me a little anxious but I trust them all.

"So with that let's go get ready!" Ryan laughs bouncing out of his chair.
An hour later we all reconvene in the kitchen. In that hour. I curled my hair, put on some liner and false lashes, put on some black chunky heels, a maroon tanktop and a black miniskirt. Raegan sure seemed to like the outfit since his jaw went slack when u walked out of the bathroom haha.

"So I suggest we PREEGAMEEE" Ryan says while turning around with a bottle of vodka.

"Lord I pray as I get more drunk Ryan's yelling with annoy me less." Kalvin says folding his hands.

Aryn goes to pass me a shot glass, "oh no thanks, I don't drink."

Everyone falls quiet and look at me.

"It's not just cause it's illegal.... or that like I'm an addict or something." I explain.

"Do you mind us asking what it is exactly?" Cherliz turns towards me very sweetly

"Not at all, I grew up with my parents being alcoholics and i also have a very addictive personality with my anxiety disorder so if I were to get ahold of a substance that could be abused I would trust myself." I say all at once. Everyone is silent so I quickly add: "That sounded very dark but I promise I'm fine" I chuckle.

"We don't have to go out if you don't want to" Raegan says.

"It'll be fun! Plus I've never gotten to see drunk Rae, and you need a sober driver!" I reassure them.

They all take their shots and we are on our way.
We get to the club and meetup with Aryn's friend who sneaks us in. From there we head to the bar to order some drinks, the girls get some mixed drinks while the guys do beer, except for Aryn who has the acquired taste for Jack and Coke.

We chit chat for awhile until the band comes on. They seem to be in their early 20s and are wearing your basic grungey band attire. They start off by playing Sadie Hawkins Dance by Reliant K and let's just say I am p u m p e d!

"Babbeeee! Come dance!" I giggle and take Raegans hand.

"Ew you guys are so cute I'm gonna gag" Kalvin says before taking a swig of beer.

"Ughhhh this brings me back to my peak emo days haha" I yell over the music.

We dance a bit more before the song ends and Raegan disappears to go get another drink. The girls come over and take his place. We rock out for awhile screaming lyrics to each other. Then they play Mr Brightside by the Killers, which is a great song don't get me wrong, but suddenly the floor becomes very crowded and I am just not drunk enough (well at all) for this. I lean into Cherliz's ear and tell her I'm gonna walk back to the car for a second to grab some ibuprofen cause I was starting to get a headache. I realize it's been a good hour or so since I've seen Raegan and make a point to find him when I get back.

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now