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Rebecca's POV

Raegan ended up texting me the next day after we all hung out at Kristen's house. It was all good but I laughed when I got a message from Kristen:

Bestie💕: Sis!! You didn't tell me you and Raegan were going on a date
Rebecca: well I just found out myself soooo 🤪
Bestie💕: while I guess we both have boyfriends now 😉
Bestie💕: yesssss!!! It was at breakfast the next morning.
Rebecca: awww I'm so happy for you guys!
Bestie💕: thanks babe, don't worry I don't think you are that far behind us ;)
Rebecca: whateverrr😑

I start to get ready since Rae and I are going to the movies soon. It is always cold in theaters so I put on an oversized hoodie from my high school's track team and some leggings with my low top black converse. For my hair I left it down, but took two pieces from the front and tied them in the back. I did simple makeup manly focusing on the sun kissed look on the cheeks.
I must have been really excited because I got ready with 30 minutes to spare. When left with my thoughts, I think about how nervous I am but how amazing it will be. My stomach is full of butterflies when I get the text that Rae is downstairs in the Uber. I grab a small pleather mini backpack and head downstairs. Raegan sees me and gets out to open my door, in the midst of climbing in the car we exchange hellos and we are both blushing hard. I take a deep breath and tell myself I'm going to act the most comfortable that I can. We are both in the back of the car and chat about what we have missed in each others lives. It's not much since we just each other two nights ago lol. The Uber pulls up to a strip mall area and lets us out. I'm a little confused but Rae looks like this is right so I follow his lead.
"Rae are you sure this is the right place? This doesn't look like a movie theater to me." My brows furrow as I try to make sense of it.
"Well it shouldn't look like a theater because we are here for, drum roll please, SNACKS!" He says this like a little boy so excited what snacks there are. We walk into a dollar store and head straight for the candy isle. Once we get back into the Uber, Raegan spends 5 minutes stuffing candy into every pocket on my hoodie and some into my bag. The whole time I'm giggling because every time I move I crinkle. We get our tickets to the newest romcom and as we walk past the ticket booth Rae puts a hand on my back to guide me forward and we both stiffen when we here the package of skittles in my hood move. We glance at each other and immediately starting laughing. By the time we get to our seats we are still giggling a little.
Silence falls upon us when the previews start playing. About 15 minutes into the film Rae grabs my hand to get my attention as he makes a joke about the main character, but he doesn't let go after we turn our focus back toward the movie.
Don't get me wrong, Sandra Bullock is great, but this movie is just not doing it for me; and quite frankly I'm getting a little restless. I'm fidgeting with my legs when Rae leans over.
"You wanna get out of here?" He asks. his face just a few inches away from mine.
"Read my mind." I say as I get up and grab his hand to guide him out of the theater. We are still holding hands when we get to the hall.
"So where do you want to go?" He says.
"That's up to you mr. LA"
"I know just the place", to my surprise he doesn't get out his phone to call an Uber, instead we walk a few blocks down to this small park. It's around 9 pm now so there is no one here and Rae leads us up to the top of this playground where we are in what looks like a tower of a castle.
Curious, I ask; "how did you know about this place?" I look up and see just a blanket of stars across the navy sky.
"I come here when I need quiet.", "quiet is a little difficult to find when you have 3 roommates" he adds.
We are silent for a few minutes when I shiver a little bit because of the night time wind. Rae pulls me into his side and I nuzzle into his jacket. He smells like sandalwood and licorice. We stay like this for awhile before Rae's voice cuts through the silence.
"Hey Bec?"
"Hm, what's up?" I say a little concerned as I look up to meet his gaze.
He is quiet for a few moments, then adds:
"I really like you" He says it so soft it's almost a whisper.
"I really like you too" I say not breaking eye contact with him .
Are faces keep moving closer, our eyes keep flicking to each others lips. We get so close that when Raegan asks if he can kiss me our lips brush as I say yes. Are mouths come together and it's like the whole world is still. We must have been so entranced that we don't notice a security guard come up until he shines a flashlight onto our faces.
"HEY! THE PARK IS CLOSED!" The officer says, while I helplessly look towards Raegan.
Rae stands up and responds;
"Sorry Stan it's just me, I brought a friend tonight." I stand up as Rae says this.
"Sorry, Sir" I add in a high pitched voice.
"mhm just get home you two, it's almost midnight anyhow." Stan shouts over his shoulder as he walks away.
I wait until Stan is out of war shot when I playfully hit Raegan on the arm.
"What was that for?!" He exclaims over dramatically.
"You didn't tell me we weren't allowed to be here!" I say trying to keep a serious face.
"What you think parks are just open at midnight?" He says smirking. I try to act mad but his face is just too cute. I give in and giggle and he wraps me in a hug.
We both decide to head to the parking lot and wait for our Uber to arrive. We are standing in an empty parking lot, Rae wraps his arms around me and I slip my arms under his jacket. We both look at each other at the same time.
"Bec, will you be my girlfriend." He says with the most confidence he has had all night. Right away I smile from ear to ear, "Of course, Rae". He leans down and kisses me. Moments later, a black suv pulls into the parking lot and calls our names; "Uber for Raegan and Bec?" We climb in the back still holding onto each other.

"Hello, sir. This is my girlfriend Rebecca" Raegan says as we drive back home.
I know it was quick but I had to for the sake of the story!!

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