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Rebecca's POV
It's not that I didn't want Raegan to come back to Missouri with me, it was more the fact that I didn't want to expose him to the fuck tards that make up my "family". The most annoying part about it is he will probably love my family because they are great at hiding there true selves. None of this changed the fact though that my amazingly loving boyfriend was now sat next to me on the plane.

Raegan turns to me and interrupts my thoughts, "Pretzels or Peanuts, babe?"

"Pretzels please!"

He hands me the snack and then kills sometime on his phone waiting for the plane to take off. After we go through the flight attendants entire lecture, the plane finally takes off. I'm about to pull out a book and I feel Rae slump against me.

"Tired?" I say with a little smirk.

"Very, mind if I use you as a pillow?"

"Not at all" I lean down and kiss his forehead which is now nuzzled on top of a jacket in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair until he finally falls asleep ". The rest of my flight I just focus on the boy in front of me.
We land and I gently shake Rae awake. He gets up and grabs our luggage from the overhead bin, luckily we're to fit all of our stuff into carry ons so we wouldn't have to stop at baggage claim. Since we were back in my hometown and had been to this airport many times, I lead the way to the pick up lot. My sister, aka the one person in my family I actually like, was picking me up in my car so I didn't have to rent one while I was back. This was especially great because this meant I had a bit more time before facing my mom.

We walk out of the sliding glass doors and I see her tiny frame wave as soon as she sees us. I can barely walk ten steps without her running and tackling me to the ground.


"SARAH!!" We collapse in a fit of giggles and I pull her to the car so we don't get hit in oncoming traffic. Once to safety I introduce her to Rae.

"Okay, Sarah this is my boyfriend Raegan, Rae this is my favorite sister Sarah."

"She's allowed to say that because we all know it haha" Sarah chimes in while she gives him a hug. I see Sarah's husband, Mark, get out of the vehicle next to us since the Just came to drop of the car.

"And Raegan this is Sarah's husband Mark."

"And her favorite brother in law." Mark adds as he shakes Raegans hand.

"I'm not gonna say they lied about anything lol." I add.

Sarah hands over the keys and tells us she will meet us at the house.... ugh The House. I pop the trunk and have Raegan squeeze our suitcases back there, I use this time to give Rae a run down of our trip.

"So first we will be staying with my mom, you will meet my two half sisters since we share a mom and not a dad. I can only spend two nights here without going crazy so then we will head about 45 minutes away to my Dad and Stepmoms, Sarah will be there and then my two step sisters. Supposedly they are throwing me a big party with my extended family so it will be a trip."

Raegan notices I'm getting a little anxious about the whole thing and leans down to kiss me.

"Thanks, I needed that" I say closing my eyes taking a deep breath.

"Come on lets go" He says walking over to the passenger side door.

I go and sit down and adjust my seat and mirrors as you can tell someone a half foot shorter than me drove this here. I start my car up.

"There you go flo, it's good to see you again."

Raegan looks at me funny, "who the fuck is flo?".

"My car, obviously" I say laughing.

"Oh that is weird babe"

"Oh please, a lot of people name theirs cars"

"Yeah but they don't name them after strippers from the 70's".

I playfully scoff and push his shoulder. Before I take him to my mothers house I give him a quick tour of my hometown, my high school, my first job, etc. He takes this as the perfect opportunity to make fun of younger me for working at a library.

We pull into my neighborhood and my heart rate immediately spikes. All the childhood memories come back and I feel claustrophobic.
We pull into my street and at the end of Rose Avenue i see it.

My own personal house of horrors with my own personal gate keeper aka my mother waving out front. I take a deep breath as I pull into the driveway.

I put the car in Park, " Well this should be fun."
Kind of boring sorryyyyyy

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now