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Rebecca's POV

It's a few days after all of us went out to the bar, and Kristen invited me over to have a fun movie marathon/slumber party with her and Austin. It seems like good fun, especially since I haven't had a sleepover since middle school, but I really think it's just so her and Austin can hang out with out a lot of pressure for it being a date. Nonetheless, I pack an over night bag and head to her place.
I'm a little surprised when I arrive because she lives in a condo not an apartment, which is a bit surprising since the rent is so high in LA. When she answers the door she gives me a big hug and I immediately smell fresh popcorn. Austin must have already arrived because I hear him talking in the kitchen, but there seems to be another male voice besides his. I follow the voices and turn the corner to see no other than Raegan.
"Kristen didn't tell me you were gonna be here.", I blurt out not being able to contain my curiosity.
"Oh hey Bec, I actually am one of her roommates, Nathan and Selena sleep downstairs and I'm just right down the hall" Raegan says as he points to a door down the hall. This makes sense of how Kristen can afford this place as a student. There is a bit of awkward silence that falls over everyone which is soon cut off by Kristen.
"Here you can come put your stuff in my room!" She says as she grabs my hand to lead me down the hall. I follow her and let out a breath of relief when we shut the door behind us.
"I didn't know Rae lives with you." I say as I set my things on her bed.
"And I didn't know that you two already have cute nicknames for each other" Kristen says as she smirks with her eyebrows arched. I shoot her my best attempt at a serious glare but end up blushing instead.
She continues; "Plus I thought that a non-official double date would kind of work in both of our favors."
"Aha! So you admit you like Austin." I joke, she blushes in return and lets out a psh.
"Where are Selena and Nathan anyways, Raegan said they live here too" I reply trying to take the attention off of our love lives.
Kristen perks up and quickly answers, "Nathan is our with some of his friends from school and Selena flew back to Canada for some family time.". We both Change in to PJs before we head out to the guys, Kristen in a matching set from PINK and me in an alpaca onesie from Walmart. If these outfits don't describe our friendship dynamic then I don't know what does haha.
By the time we get back out to the living room the boys have set up pillows, blankets, and a variety of snacks in the middle of the floor in order to make a cozy nest-like lounging experience. The guys comment on our pajamas while Kristen and I get settled. Austin and her are already practically spooning while Raegan and I arrange ourselves on the floor. Rae takes the lead and scrolls through Netflix while asking us what movie we should start with. After a quick poll, we decide on Texas Chainsaw Massacre, that way it's still light out when we watch a scary movie. Austin jumps up and hits the lights while the opening credits roll.

I don't know why but I have a strange feeling tonight is going to be memorable...
Okay what do you guys think is gonna happen next?!

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now