Series 1 Ch1

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Embracing Evil: Series 1

Chapter 1

Harry stood in shock as the Dark Lord was reborn. Wormtail passed over a bone white wand and power flowed through the air, Harry watched in awe; this was power. Harry knew he was a powerful wizard who could out duel every student in school easily but his magic hadn't matured yet and he liked to keep himself close to someone with large amounts of power behind them like Dumbledore. Harry hated the man himself especially everything the man had done to Harry but the old warlock was powerful, this, though, was something else entirely. Thick and enticing; it was everywhere, reaching out and caressing him so much so Harry could nearly taste it. Bright crimson eyes looked upon him staring almost curiously.

"Harry Potter." The man breathed pacing in front on the gravestone Harry was secured on.

"I sense great power within you and a hidden darkness; you could have anything you know!" Harry tilted his head to the side in reminiscent of one of his animagus forms gazing up at the crimson eyes of the Dark Lord.

"Power, yes and the darkness is getting harder to hide especially from Snape." Harry spat out the name with as much venom, hatred and contempt he could muster which was a lot. Voldemort raised non-existent eyebrows surprised at the tone of voice.

"Embracing the darkness and power you could be great." The Dark Lord told the teen.

"And how would I accomplish such a feat? After all I am a figure head of all things light and good?" Harry sneered in distaste Voldemort walked up to the teen.

"Join me of course." He said, "You could do extraordinary things." Voldemort unconsciously repeated the same phrase as he did to Harry in first year. Harry thought of all of his secrets and his position in the light, Dumbledore had left him with an abusive 'family', and the rest of the people he was surrounded by he held no feelings for, they were a mere convenience and some of them he couldn't stand. The dark arts had always interested him but he had to keep everything hidden because he had an image to uphold; the-boy-who-lived. He had never had a problem with the Dark Lord and many of the man's beliefs Harry agreed with, he hated muggles with a burning passion and he had no love for mudbloods especially ones like Hermione Granger. They came in to the magical world and took away valued traditions having them replaced with disgusting muggle ones; it made Harry sick. Thinking of the man's proposition the pros outshone the cons sure the man murdered his parents but it was war, if Dumbledore was so great he could of made Harrys life better but instead the man lied, risked his life and stunted his growth and performance. On the plus side of joining the dark was actually living as it was usually Voldemort trying to off him at the end of every year, with a truce Harry would have a lot more protection than he would have and then all he would have to do it hide his true self in school which he had been doing all long anyway. There really wasn't anything to think about and by the growing smirk on Voldemort's face he knew exactly what the teen was going to choose.

"I'll join you there's no reason for me not too. Now can you let me down as I'm wasting my magic holding this glamour and the statue is uncomfortable?" Voldemort smiled and waved his hand releasing the bonds holding Harry causing the teen to fall straight in to his arms shocked by the tiny frame. Using the older man's arms as a balance Harry blushed as he felt the man's muscles and steadied himself, flicking his wrist he summoned his wand looking up to the Dark Lords questioning eyes.

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