Series 5 Ch3

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.K

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Embracing Evil: Series 5,

Chapter 3;

It had been a year since they had took control of the ministry and Hogwarts. Chaos and Tom worked on reforming the wizarding world and it had been a lot of difficult and time consuming work, but, eventually, they began to make progress. Lucius made a brilliant Minister and Tom was headmaster of Hogwarts with Chaos at his side, Chaos was deputy and the defence professor much to his joy, Bella was the Dark Arts professor and head of Slytherin, shockingly Fred and George taught the experimentation class which was created in their honour because of what they accomplished in the final battle, it was an elective which could only be taken after 5th year, and they were the heads of Gryffindor, surprisingly Flitwick remained the charms professor and head of Ravenclaw and Slughorn remained as the potions teacher, Tonks, who became Mrs Lupin, took over as head of Hufflepuff when Sprout retired and taught history and Charlie Weasley had ended up as CoMC Professor.

There were major changes in the corriculum to the ancient school. Old traditions were brought back and the filthy muggle ones abolished, all magic was taught there and there were no prejudice about dark and light. Even the supposed 'dark creatures' were not discriminated against and accepted in to Hogwarts, they had vampires and werewolves in attendence as well as veela and fey. The ministry also had a reform. Half the departments were scraped and new ones created, the misused of muggle artifacts was the first to go because there was a manditory rule of not entering the muggle world unless you were assigned to do so. Contary to the belief of the light, Tom had never wanted to slaughter all the muggleborns, a department had been created that monitered the birth of all first-generation witches and wizards, the term muggleborn was not used anymore because all association to muggles had been removed. When a magical birth occured the location was tagged and the child monitered, if the family accepted the magic well the child would be approached at the age of 5 to begin wizarding primary school which Remus was the headmaster and was brilliant at it, his kind nature helped the children get used to everything and appease the parents. However, if the family rebelled against their magical child then they child was taken and placed in one of the magical orphanges where they received the best care until they were old enough to start primary or were blood adopted in to a magical family, Narcissa and surprisingly Andromeda were running them and the Black sisters were ruthless in punishing those who harmed a child sent to them. Remus was also the beta to the biggest werewolf pack in britain, he and Fenrir helped all new wolves adjust and kept all rouge wolves in control, as well as being able to attend magical school, if they were born a wizard, Fenrir also sought out Tom to allow him to open a school for non-magical wolves to give them a community and be able to teach them wolflore; Tom had been delighted.

The Department of misteries was still open but instead of being an indepenendent section of the ministry, Tom and Chaos had final veto on everything that went on in there. They had also changed the auror department, Rodolphus and Rabastan ran it with iron fists and the aurors they had were legendary across the wizarding world, the training was immence and only the best of the best made it in to first level training, after that there were 3 levels of training that needed to be passed before making the coup. Everything was falling in to place and anyone who rebelled against the new rule found themselves on the reciving end of the death eaters who were still around. They were constantly busy with everything, so busy that Chaos had managed to hide the fact he had been violently sick every morning for over a month, the man had more important things to worry about than Chaos. Chaos was getting worried though, it couldn't be normal for this to happen so when Tom was in a meeting with Lucius, Chaos slipped down to see madam Pomfrey. The matron was in her office in the hosptial wing when he entered and she looked up with a smile.

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