Series 2 Ch2

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling.

Warning: Mild Slash and Blood.


Embracing Evil: Series 2.

Chapter 2.

Harry was glad to finally be alone with Buckbeak. Sirius was in a great mood for the celebrations of Christmas and it was catchy to everyone; apart from Harry. The teen was pissed because he had plans for this holiday and they had been ruined by Dumbledore who had decided to ship him somewhere he had no idea about, he was sick of everyone in the house too. Everyone seemed to be scrutinizing his every move, they had overhead that he may be possessed at St Mungo's whilst they were visiting the Sr Weasley and now he was being watched like a hawk. Harry hid in the day time and explored the house at night. He had found an amazing library which he was slowly copying, Sirius had threw some of the darker books out but with some nice talking to the deranged house elf, Kreature, he had found out the elf had saved nearly everything that had been thrown. Kreature also gave him a locket that had been given to him by 'master Regulus' who had asked him to destroy it, Harry was intrigued because it was the Slytherin locked and Harry was pretty sure Tom would want it back. Harry wore it under his clothes because it reeked of Tom's magic and kept him sane. He had had a great laugh when Phineas Nigellas told him that Dumbledore had never led him to harm, he told the portrait to stick it and left the room. Harry was avoiding everyone with ease right up until Hermione came. She stormed up to Buckbeak's room and demanded he come out because he was being foolish, Harry nearly told her to jump in front of the Knight bus but decided that it wasn't the best course of action and slowly left the room. He came face to face with Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny, he withheld a sigh and followed them down to his shared bedroom.

"Why have you felt the need to hide from everyone, Ron said you haven't spoken since the hospital." Hermione questioned him, Harry threw a glare at Ron.

"What, its true. I don't even think I've seen you." Ron exclaimed.

"I haven't been hiding, I've been having time to myself." Harry said quietly.

"Do you feel possessed?" Harry blinked.


"Do you feel any different than normal?" She asked again.

"Um no,"

"Did you ask someone who has been possessed?"

"Yeah, did you even think about asking me to know what it's like?" Ginny demanded, Harry just looked wide eyed.

"I-I didn't think." Harry stuttered.

"No you didn't, now you can stop being a prat and join in with the celebrations." Harry grinned at them.

"Ok your right." They trooped down stairs and joined in with the decorating of the house, Harry watched them in anger as they happily went about their day while he was stuck, he noticed the twins were at all as happy as they made out to be either but he kept it to himself; he would watch them. Harry kept his fake smile and happiness up until Christmas night, the adults had gotten drunk in celebration of Mr Weasley healing and the teens had finally collapsed with exhaustion, he smoked to Riddle manor and pounced on the sleeping Dark Lord.

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