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Epilogue: 11 years later.

"Daddy, daddy, look what came, look." Pyxis Lily Cassiopeia Slytherin came running in to the living room of their manor, she was clutching a thick creamy envelope and positively beaming, she had grown up to be a stunning girl. She had long, dark hair, so dark that there was natural blue tints running through it and it reached her mid back, alabaster skin which was perfectly unblemished, delicate features just like her dad and a small, lithe frame to finish it off, the thing that was most stand out was the glowing crimson eyes which she had inherited from Tom.

"Calm down Pixi, what has your father said about running?"

"That it is unbecoming as a Princess." She rolled her eyes and Chaos grinned, Tom was the rule giver in the household whereas Harry got off lightly and was the praiser; it was a great system in his eyes. When the man had come in positively beaming one day it raised questions, he had happily told Chaos that the wizarding public had titled their children the Prince and the Princess and Tom was quite happy to keep it that way so it had stuck.

"My Hogwarts letter arrived to day." She told him excitedly just as her brother ran in doing the exact same thing.

"Dad look, my Hogwarts letter." Cepheus had grown in to a mini version of Tom with Harry's jewel like eyes, they were both incredibly beautiful children who would grow up to be heart breakers for sure.

"You both are acting so surprised they actually came. Your father is the headmaster." Harry pointed out amused.

"Yes but it is exciting, do you think Teddy, Ares, Harry and Evy have their letters yet?" Tonks had been unknowingly pregnant for a few months before the twins were born, she had had a hell of a surprise when Poppy diagnosed her and she had given birth to Theodore John Lupin, Teddy for short, in the July, a big surprise had been Bella. She had been visiting her sisters at one of the magical orphanages when a new arrival had been brought it, she took one look at the little girl with curious purple eyes and fell in love, she had summoned Rodolphus there and then and demanded they take the little girl home as their own; wisely Rodolphus agreed. She had been blood adopted and her name was Ares Chaos Lestrange much to Harry's joy. The one which had shocked everyone, including Tom, to the point of speechlessness was when Barty and Rabastan had announced they were together and had just adopted twins; Evyenne and Harrison Crouch-Lestrange. No one had seen that one coming, no one had even known they were together let alone adopting children, but when everyone had gotten over the shock it had been cause of celebration. The twins had grown up with Ares, Teddy and the other twins and it had been trying at some points. When they were together it was a war zone, they wreaked absolute havoc on everything, but were never caught, in all his life Chaos had never met anyone more Slytherin than those 6 and he was with the Slytherin Lord.

"Probably, why don't you floo and ask." He suggested they nodded and ran off, Chaos rolled his eyes just as Tom floo'd in.

"You just missed the excitement." Tom raised an eyebrow as he sat down.


"Yes, the Hogwarts letters just arrived, it was like you didn't run the school." Tom chuckled.

"And now they have gone to see Ares and Theodore before rushing to see the twins?"

"Of course," Pyxis came running back in to the living room.

"Pyxis," Tom sighed.

"Oh father your back," She rushed in to his arms, Tom was such a softy with his children, he may set the rules but it didn't mean he didn't turn to a pile of goo whenever any of them turned they're begging eyes on him.

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