Series 1 Ch3

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Embracing Evil: Series 1

Chapter 3

Harry awoke feeling great. He was warm, extremely comfortable and his pillow smelt good; then his pillow breathed. Cracking open an eye he found he was wrapped in a sleeping Voldemort's arms, he smirked and buried himself deeper in to the man's chest; he could get used to this. He knew the man was possessive of him and Harry was glad, he didn't know why yet but he really didn't care, the Dark Lord was powerful and gorgeous, if everything went the way Harry wanted it to they both would be very happy. When they both awoke a few hours later no one mentioned the sleeping arrangements, Harry stretched in a very cat like manor and winced, the movement didn't go unnoticed and he was subjected to a look that said 'we will be speaking of this' Harry withheld the grimace. Tom vanished in to the bathroom and Harry heard the shower run, Harry unshrunk his trunk wandlessly and dug through the contents, he groaned.

"I so need to go shopping." He muttered as he pulled out his black casual robes, he only had a few robes that weren't for school because he had nowhere to hide them and now he really needed some, he placed them on the chair and checked himself in the mirror; he looked good. He smirked as he looked at his face, Snape had done a good job and it didn't even hurt anymore. He waved his hand to make the bed and sat in the centre, he fell in to a trance and looked for his core, it was a glaring AK green and Harry could see where the magic dampeners had been at work. The tendrils of magic that flowed from the centre were thin but slowly thickening, it wasn't quick enough for Harry's taste. Slowly he pumped magic deliberately through the tubes, they expanded rapidly and Harry's eyes snapped open as the magic swam around him.

"Whoa," He gasped

"Indeed," He span round a little too quickly and fell of the bed with a yelp, he peered curiously up from the floor over the bed to see the Dark Lord's lips twitching trying valiantly not to laugh.

"This is so not funny." That seemed to doing because the man chuckled and shook his head, Harry got to his feet grumbling and stretched again, the teen grinned when he felt that he was heeled. He pulled of the bandages and checked the mirror, his pale creamy skin was perfect and unblemished.


"Natural healing abilities due to one of my animagus forms." Harry said rolling his shoulders, he ran his hand through his hair and turned to face the Dark Lord. Voldemort was looking him over taking everything in, Harry withheld the smirk at the tiny amount of longing in the crimson eyes.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Tom said and Harry nodded.

"I'll shower first," Harry picked up his robes and went to shower, he didn't take long and he came out without a hair out of place and sat down on the black leather chair, the Dark Lord looked at him.

"I did say I resided with wonderful muggles." Harry pointed out but the resulted in a glare.

"My uncle is a vile human being but Dumbledore wanted me to grow up with a normal childhood." Harry said bitingly, "The esteemed headmaster thought it prudent to place magic dampeners and a magic sensory ward around the house." Harry glared at the wall.

"One of my animagus forms is a knight phoenix, I would have been fine if not for the dampeners, and I would have healed."

"A knight phoenix? They are incredibly rare, and very dark." Harry's lips quirked.

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