Series 3 Ch4

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J. K. Rowling.

Warning: Slash!


Embracing Evil Series 3

Chapter 4

Harry walked up to the headmaster's office with a skip in his step. With everything sorted with Slughorn he had no worries about Tom's secrets coming out, the potions master was a great help also, all of the potions they needed could be made by an expert and all Harry did was give him a phial of basilisk venom and phoenix tears in return. Slughorn also helped Harry with alibis. The man would invite him to drinks and allow him to visit Tom for information which was a relief, some of the days Harry didn't even see the Dark Lord but it was a relief to be in the manor. Clearing his thoughts from Tom and the manor, he knocked politely and entered the office, as soon as he stepped in he felt Tom's magic and his head snapped around, he had to stop his eyes widening in horror as he saw Tom's ring on one of Dumbledore's many objects. He looked to the headmaster who didn't look surprised that Harry had noticed and motioned for him to take a seat.

"I see you have spotted the item I obtained on one of my recent outings." Dumbledore began and Harry nodded.

"How did you find it?" He asked shocked.

"I have been searching as you know and I came across a lead during the holidays, it has taken me a month to find the truth in the lead but alas I managed." He smiled gently and Harry had to fight the bile in his throat from rising.

"Where was it?"

"It was in the Gaunt shack, I chanced upon it by mistake as it was very well hidden." Harry felt the urge to hit Tom around the head, did the man have no sense? For all of his unnatural intelligence he had no common sense what so ever.

"Why would he hide it there?"

"I believe it was to celebrate his first successful out of school murder." Harry frowned because it sounded just like Tom to do that.

"Yes, it is rather morbid." Dumbledore agreed mistaking his expression and Harry nodded.

"Now, before the holidays I set you homework, did you complete the task?" Harry shifted looking down.

"No, Professor Slughorn refused to give up the memory but I did get some information out of him." Harry rushed out as if he was embarrassed by his failings.

"What did Horace tell you?"

"I think he's scared sir, scared of what could happen if it ever got out who gave you such information, I mean it wouldn't be hard for Voldemort to work out who it was." Harry pointed out adding in his head that Tom definitely knew.

"I can understand that, Lord Voldemort does induce fear to the many. Now what did Horace tell you?"

"Seven sir, just the number seven, before hurrying me out of his office," Harry told him with a shrug and he was sure the twinkle in Dumbledore's eye grew.

"Wonderful Harry," He exclaimed, "This is just as good as the memory itself." Harry grinned at that to show his enthusiasm and thanked his stars the man would except the number rather than the memory.

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