Series 5 Ch2

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.K

Warning: Fighting and blood, slash.

Embracing Evil: Series 5

Chapter 2

Chaos was pacing furiously waiting for Narcissa and Bella to arrive. They were helping him prepare for the ball which was set for 1 hours time, Tom wasn't there because Chaos had banished him from the room with a warning not to return before the ball.

"How will you know what I'm wearing, we are supposed to match?" Tom pointed out amused.

"Your wearing Shadow black robes with deep green detailing now be gone." Tom rolled his eyes and vanished down the hall. Narcissa and Bella finally arrived and Chaos was blown away, they both looked stunning.

"Wow," they smirked and ushered him in to the shower, Chaos came out in black dress trousers and stood in the middle of the room. Bella handed him a black shirt while Narcissa retrieved his robes, he carefully put them on and they fell perfectly around him. Narcissa glamoured his hair and concentrated his vibrant streaks to his fringe, it fell in light waves past his shoulders and Bella handed him his mask. He pressed it to his face where his moulded to shape perfectly, it made his eyes glow and he added his locket to let it show proudly on display; Chaos pulled on his green cloak. He turned to face them and they gasped softly,

"You look amazing," Narcissa sighed and Bella nodded in agreement.

"Let me see," A mirror appeared in front of him and he smirked; he did look good.

"Do you think Tom will like it?"


"He's different now you're here." Bella told him suddenly and Chaos tilted his head, Narcissa slapped him and rearranged his hair.

"How so?"

"Before you came my Lord was much more curse happy." Bella said quietly, "He was still great and the perfect leader," She added hastily and Chaos grinned.

"He is perfect isn't he?" Bella nodded.

"I have never seen him care for someone until you." She flashed him a soft smile.

"You had best get to the anti chamber, your announcement is soon." Chaos nodded and left the room, he was walking so it would calm his nerves, he was having an internal breakdown but was refusing to let it show. He stepped in to the room and immediately drank down a glass of fire whiskey, the burn in his throat took his mind away from what he was about to do. Becoming a consort was a lifetime commitment, in history, there had only been 3 cases which he had found where a consort had not stayed with his partner. He was not worried about staying with Tom forever, he couldn't want for more. No, he was worried about the DE's reaction and if Tom would regret it, he forcefully pushed that from his mind. After everything they had been through, Tom wouldn't change his mind now, the ring was proof of that. He could hear the DE's gathering in the main hall, it seemed as if Tom had invited everyone and rolled his eyes, the man really did like to show him off. As he waited for them to settle he thought on what Tom had told him about the ball. He didn't have to do a speech which was good because public speaking really wasn't his thing, Tom would announce him as his consort and then he would enter; simple really. The room began to quiet down and he knew Tom had got to his feet when it went silent.

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