Series 2 Ch3

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling.

Warning: Mild Slash and Blood.


Embracing Evil: Series 2.

Chapter 3.

Harry was pacing Dumbles office in a blind rage half an hour after the incident at the ministry; Dumbledore had just shown him a memory of a prophecy.

"I'm sorry to have to place this burden on you Harry." Dumbledore said in fake sorrow.

"You're telling me this now!" Harry yelled. "I asked you 4 years ago why Voldemort wanted to kill me and you refused to tell me, now Sirius is dead and you dump this on me."

"I know it is a lot to take in but I did have reason from keeping this from you." Dumbledore told him gently, Harry scoffed.

"Like what!"

"I care for you too much." Harry actually stopped.


"I cared more about your happiness than what was important and for that I am sorry." Harry just looked at him, the man was officially insane.

"Let me out." He whispered.


"I what?"

"I won't let you out until you listen." Harry threw himself back in the chair and listened to the man's speech on his grand plan, how he cared too much and watched him grow to place such a task on his shoulders, Harry was internally screaming. The man wanted him to kill Tom; that wasn't happening. He was sick of this and he tuned out what the old fool was saying, he refused to do what the man claimed was destiny, he couldn't believe this was based on something from Trelawny, he would be having words with Tom.

"Do you understand Harry?" Harry just nodded mutely.

"Can I go now?" Dumbledore finally released him and Harry left, he wasn't paying attention to anything and soon found himself in a deserted dungeon corridor. He smoked to Riddle manor with one thing on his mind, Harry placed on his mask dropping his glamour revealing the now permanent hair colouring in his shoulder length hair and beautiful face. Changing his robes in to plain black slacks and cloak, Harry stalked through the hall cutting down any death eaters he saw. When he finally reached the duelling room he summoned his death wand and let rip magic flowing rapidly destroying the dummies in to useless pieces of material. Harry felt Tom come up behind him with one last slash of his wand Harry let out a scream of rage and turned toward the Dark Lord.

"Do you know where I have spent the last hour?" Harry asked in a mock cheerful voice, his eyes were starting to glow meaning he was losing control of his anger.

"With Dumbledore by the looks of things." Ton answered.

"Oh yes, the great headmaster saw fit to inform me of this prophecy that he was the one to overhear." Harry informed him.

"Did you know this prophecy was sprouted by Trelawney?"

"What? That old fraud?" Tom answered incredulously.

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