Series 1 Ch4

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Warning: Beginnings of slash.


Embracing Evil: Series 1

Chapter 4

Harry finally decided he needed to go shopping when he woke up. It was two days after his birthday and he wanted some new things, he bounced out of the bed and in to the shower throwing on his favourite dark green robes. When he jogged back in to the room Tom was awake and sat up in bed running his hands through his hair, Harry's mouth went dry as he took in the sight, the Dark Lord was shirtless and ruffled and the crimson eyes were at their brightest. Harry was tired of dancing around what he wanted, he stalked over and straddled the man's hips wrapping his arms loosely around his neck. He didn't bother to hide the smirk that came to his face as Tom's eyes darkened with lust.

"What are you doing?" He asked and Harry tilted his head to the side making his brightly coloured hair fall over his shoulder.

"There's something I've wanted for a while now." Harry said with a raise of his shoulder.

"Is that so," The possessive tone was back and strong hands gripped Harry's hips.

"Hmm, yeah, I don't supposed you could guess?" Harry moved his hips ever so slightly and gained a small hiss.

"You realise your 15 yes? This is wrong on so many levels." Tom's voice suggested he couldn't care less and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You are the Dark Lord, I am Harry Potter, its wrong for me to even be here. Besides you make your own rules, or is that not the case now," Harry leaned flush against the Dark Lord and kissed his neck, he trailed kissed and bites up until he was next to his ear.

#My Lord# the title along with parceltongue did it, Tom claimed his lips instantly demanding entrance with his tongue. Harry moaned in to the kiss, it was better than anything he could even imagine, he let Tom dominate the kiss easily and nearly groaned when he broke the kiss but refrained when Tom bit his neck.

"You are a very manipulative brat." He murmured against Harry's neck, said teen grinned.

"I don't know what you mean Tom." He replied cheekily.

"I'm sure you don't." Harry found himself being kissed again, he was internally doing a happy dance and when the kiss broke, they were both breathing heavily.

"You know I am a very possessive man." Tom murmured.

"I know,"

"You realise this means your mine." Harry grinned and tilted his head.

"And I wasn't already?" Tom smirked.

"True, I want to introduce to you the inner circle, minus Snape."

"Wouldn't be trying to show me off would you?" Harry asked with a small grin.

"Hrmm I don't know what you mean Chaos." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Does Narcissa count within the inner circle?"


"I need someone to take me shopping that actually knows what they're doing." Harry told him finally getting up, he pulled Tom up with him.

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