Series 2 Ch4

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling.

Warning: Underage Slash and Blood.


Embracing Evil: Series 2.

Chapter 4.

Harry stayed in bed for 2 days only leaving for the bathroom even if it was killing him but it was made better by Tom spending most of the days with him.

"I'm bored." Harry whined for the 40th time that day as he slumped back on the bed Tom rolled his eyes.

"You have to wait until Poppy has looked you over you know this."

"Yes but it doesn't stop me being incredibly bored." Harry said with a smirk as he saw Tom rub his temples.

"You are going to be the death of me." He sighed Harry laughed.

"Well I wouldn't say that." Suddenly Harry's eyes lit up.

"I knew there was something I needed to tell you." He exclaimed flicking his wand and summoning the parchment he and the twins had written down the knockout gas on.

"Oh," Tom rose as sat on the bed next to the teen who was flicking through the sheets.

"Uhuh, I was speaking with the twins, who were my covers by the way, about their inventions as I'm funding them and they are moving on to more interesting things." Harry said Tom merely raised an eyebrow, Harry rolled his eyes and explained the conversation that he had with the twins.

"This recipe, have you tried it again?" Tom asked with a thoughtful look on his handsome face.

"No but I was thinking you could just get Snape to do it." Harry said with a shrug handing over the parchment.

"Yes Severus can make it and then the only thing to do would be to test it, do you know how it works?"

"Fred said that it works when the container breaks because it was supposed to be something else, they put it in capsules and threw them."

"They created this by mistake." Harry nodded with a grin.

"Imagine what they could make if they were trying."

"I know, they are genius' in their own right but they're over looked because they don't bother in majority of their classes." Tom nodded absently Harry knew that look; Tom was planning. Just then Madam Pomphrey knocked on the door and entered, she ran her tests and smiled much to Harry's relief.

"I do often wonder about your healing capabilities Harry you're nearly fully healed tomorrow you will be fine, just take it easy." She finished with a stern warning Harry gave her a dazzling smile.

"Of course, you know me."

"That doesn't reassure me Mr Potter." She handed him a potion which Harry recognized as Skele-gro; he groaned.

"Do I have to drink that?"

"Yes it's to finish your ribs now drink." Harry grimaced and drank down the awful potion suppressing his gags.

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