Series 4 Ch2

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.K

Warning: Slash, blood, torture.

Embracing Evil: Series 4

Chapter 2

I'm bored." Chaos sighed as he lay draped in the Dark Lords lap.

"What do you want to do?"

"Mess with the order of course." Chaos said as if it was obvious.

"Hrm that's not a bad idea, it is time to announce you properly, your reputation spread quickly." Chaos beamed and kissed the man, leaping up he ran from the room screaming at the top of his lungs.

"BELLA!" He ran up the stairs to meet the crazy woman as she ran out of the duelling room.

"Chaos! What is it?" She asked eyes darting around.

"We're going out tonight."


"It's time for the order to meet," He did an exaggerated bow. "Chaos!" Her eyes lit up, Chaos grinned and ran back to his lover and pounced. He landed lightly straddling his waist and latched on to the elders lips easily parting them when Tom ran his tongue along them. That's how the two were found when the inner and the few outer circle members arrived, the ones who knew of Chaos' identity all ignored the fact that Harry Potter the saviour of the wizarding world was locked in a heated make out session with the Dark Lord. One brave outer circle member cleared there throat which turned out to be a mistake because with pin point precision Chaos threw a sickly purple curse over his shoulder that hit the perpetrator square in the chest. The Dark Lord chuckled in to the kiss before pulling away, Chaos pouted before placing on his mask.

"Tonight we are going to announce my Chaos to the order." Voldemort told the group, the Death Eaters murmured excitedly.

"We will be going to their HQ and drawing them out by attacking the muggles, Bella if you would." Tom motioned for her to begin planning, Chaos lay curled up on the Dark Lord listening to the plans being made with a small smirk.

#I think we may be adding 2 to our members tonight# He said in parcel.


#Yes but I'm not too sure if they will be there#


#Weasley twins aren't as light as they like people to think, the mistakes they make are only noticeable to the trained eye plus they despise there family# Harry explained.

#Are those the two who created the knockout gas?# Tom asked in interest, those two would be brilliant to have on the dark side.

"Yes, if they joined us it would be great!# Tom smirked.

#It would only aid us to have them.# Chaos nodded in agreement.

"Everything set?" His and Toms followers shouted the affirmative and Chaos clapped happily.

"Perfect, go under cloaking spells and don't set of the wards. The house is under fidilius so they have to leave the building before we can attack." Tom placed the cloaking spells on them and apperated out landing in the grimy square of Grimauld place. The area was silent as the Death Eaters split up and broke in to the muggle houses; then the screaming began.

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