Series 2 Ch1

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling.

Warning: Mild Slash and Blood.


Embracing Evil: Series 2.

Chapter 1.

It had been month. One month and Harry was going absolutely crazy, he was currently in the chamber working off his stress and tension by ripping in to training dummies. It wasn't just the fact he wanted to go back to being Chaos, who was feared, carefree and got to snog the gorgeous Dark Lord on a regular basis, it was his friends, Snape, Dumbledore and the goddam new teacher. Delores Umbridge had been sent by the ministry to watch Dumbledore because the old fool was putting peoples backs up and she was pushing him to the limits. With his Gryffindor façade he was Dumbledore's man and that equalled ministry target, she made sly comments and when he snapped like a good lion she handed him detention. Detention its self wasn't so bad, it was what he had to do in the detention which made him beyond furious. Umbridge was making him write lines with a blood quill, a dark artefact which scared the skin on the back of the writing hand, and his flawless skin was currently scared and inflamed. Looking at it pushed him further and spells were flying at an alarming rate, he slashed violently at the dummy and it was blasted away. He had to get to breakfast to avoid suspicion, Ron and Hermione were around him constantly acting in support because of Umbridge. The great hall was near empty when he got there which was a relief, he picked at his food not looking forward to the day ahead; double potions followed double defence then divination.

"Morning," Hermione sat down along with Ron, Harry nodded.

"We have an awful day." Harry pointed out and Ron groaned, he had food in his mouth as usual and it was disgusting.

"Don't remind me." The red head said as they ate. The trio trooped down towards the dungeons and Malfoy's ever obnoxious voice came to their ears, Harry sighed, the blonde had become unbearable with his prefects badge and Harry was tempted to owl Lucius and tell him to sort his spawn out.

"Look who it is, the golden trio." Oh how Harry hated that new label, it was truly awful.

"And what are you, the Silver Trio?" Ron asked scathingly pointing at him, Crabbe and Goyal.

"Hah, that sounds about right." Hermione put in.

"Well at least we know who out ranks who." Harry said with a grin.

"What are you talking about Potter?" The blonde spat.

"Didn't you know Malfoy?" Harry began mockingly. "Everyone knows gold's more valuable than silver." Malfoy flushed and the door slammed open, Snape ordered them all in and the class rushed to comply.

"Brilliant one Harry." Ron muttered with a grin and the rest of the lions nodded, Harry grinned with a small flush, he was a genius.

"Settle down," Snape drawled unnecessarily, he flicked his wand and a potion appeared on the black board.

"Begin," Harry withheld a sigh, it was another review and this time it was the draught of peace. He began working in a monotone not really paying attention until something splashed in to his cauldron, he just caught sight of Malfoy's smirking face when the contents started bubbling rapidly.

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