Series 3 Ch2

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J. K. Rowling.

Warning: Mentions of slash.

Embracing Evil Series 3

Chapter 2.

Harry was sick of being at the burrow within 5 days, it was noisy, packed, rushed, tiring and he was going stir crazy. Everyone seemed to want to make him talk about Sirius or his feelings and he was so tempted to snap at them and tell them he set the whole thing up but that would have been stupid and he didn't think Tom would appreciate it. Harry sighed in relief as he had a moment to himself for a minute, he was in the bathroom, it was the only place to be alone, the twins weren't staying at the Burrow as they had premises above their shop; not that Harry blamed them. He was thinking of begging them to stay with them, he was pretty sure they wouldn't mind, he heard someone coming up the stairs and groaned. When he stepped out of the bathroom he came face to face with Ginny, she was all over him this summer and it was disgusting, she had better hope Tom never found out or she would be as good as dead, slightly possessive that man.

"Hello Harry, I was wondering where you got to." She said in a simpering voice, he withheld his gag.

"Bathroom," He pointed out slowly instead stepping away from her, he dodged her outstretched hand and ran back down the stairs, between the noise or her groping him he'd choose the noise. There was a commotion in the kitchen and Harry poked his head around to see what was going on when he saw the twins falling out of the fireplace, Mrs Weasley was smothering them as usual and everyone rushed to greet them, Harry could have done a happy dance and when everyone had left the room he bolted in and all but jumped on them in relief.

"Thank you, just thank you." The twins were slightly alarmed but gently patted his back.

"There there Har-,"

"It's ok." They told him.

"It's not; really I'm surprised I'm still sane." Harry told them seriously and they raised their eyebrows in sync.

"How long have you been here?"

"5 days!" He exclaimed and they cracked up.

"You have to stay here until beginning of term too." George pointed out with a chuckled and Harry groaned.

"I know, you have to help me, Ginny is all over me and it's really not good for her health."

"That wouldn't have anything to do with the lovely bite mark on your neck would it?" Fred poked his neck and Harry's eyes widened; he conjured up a mirror wandlessly and cursed.

"Bastard," Harry tried to reapply a glamour but it just kept fading away.

"Need a little help there Har?" George questioned.

"This need's to be covered; now." Fred pulled something out of his pocked and painted over the mark, Harry watched as the mark disappeared and he sighed in relief.


"So do we get to know who gave you that nice mark?"

"Honestly, you wouldn't believe me if I told you." They raised their eyebrows in perfect sync again and Harry smirked.

"So dear Harry," Fred began.

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