Series 4 Ch3

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Disclaimer: All belongs to J.K

Warning: Slash and torture

Embracing Evil: Series 4

Chapter 3

When Harry woke up Christmas morning he had to smile as he realised this was his first Christmas solely with Tom, he didn't need to sneak back to cover his tracks he just had to relax here in his Tom's arms. Harry looked at the sleeping Dark Lord and smiled softly, Tom looked so peaceful when he slept and Harry thanked his decision to deflect in the graveyard back in forth year Tom stirred and blinked a few times.

"What time is it?" He muttered sleepily.


"Mmm go back to sleep."

"Nope it's Christmas,"

"5 more minutes." Harry grinned and kissed his neck getting higher until he was kissing the corner of Tom's mouth, the Dark Lord groaned and sat up much to Harry's amusement.

"Fine I'm up."

"Good, now do you want to shower first then open presents or presents then shower?"

"Shower later because we will be having dinner with everyone today." Harry grinned and hopped of the bed over to the pile of presents which the elves had separated for them, Harry took Tom's over to him while he dropped himself down on to the floor and began tearing in to his. He had quite the variety this year from loads of different people; he had clothes, books, sweets, jewellery and prank products 3 guesses who those were from, his last gift was a beautiful new pair of dragon hide boots. They were nearly metallic black with an incandescent shine to them and when you caught them in the light they were a deep green, they were a side gift from Narcissa and Chaos was in love. Harry turned to Tom who was finished with his gifts and was watching Harry with a small smile, Harry got up and went to the book case where he had hid Tom's gift and handed it to the man. Tom raised an eyebrow in question and Chaos smirked.

"I have my ways." Chaos sat on the edge of the bed as Tom opened the carefully wrapped present, his eyes widened slightly before smiling.

"It's beautiful," He whispered as his picked up the bracelet, it was silver in the shape of a snake chasing its tail, it had its mouth open exposing its fangs and its eyes were rubies. He put it on and Harry beamed, Tom reached in to his bedside and pulled something out, he motioned for Harry to turn around and he placed something around Chaos' neck. Harry looked down and his jaw dropped when he discovered he was wearing the Slytherin locket.

"This has-,"



"I want you to wear it." Tom told him softly and Harry kissed him soundly.

"Thank you." The gift meant more to him than anything, that Tom trusted him to hold a part of his soul warmed his heart. Chaos showered and dressed in his new robes with the locked proudly on display, he sat down in his chair as Tom got ready and flicked through his new books. The Dark Lord emerged fully dressed and Harry withheld a sigh, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of Tom, Harry knew he looked good but he was pretty rather than the sharp handsomeness that Tom possessed. He pulled himself up and followed Tom out and down to the lounge, he never usually sat in there because it was usually filled with DE's and sometimes the Jr's who he had no time for, today it only had the inner circle who lived in the manor, Barty, Bella, Rod and Rab.

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