Series 4 Ch4

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Disclaimer: All belongs to J.K

Warning: Slash and torture

Embracing Evil: Series 4

Chapter 4

Evil would be the only word to describe the expression on Chaos face when the DE's dragged in a beaten and bloodied Kenneth Boot, he was thrown to the floor at Chaos feet.

"Mr Boot, how nice of you to join us," Chaos drawled.

"What do you want with me?" His voice was rough as if he had been screaming.

"Well you see, you helped Dumbledore track magical signatures and you are going to tell me how to counter it." Chaos told him.

"H-how did you know?" He looked shocked and Chaos raised an eyebrow.

"Did you believe your actions wouldn't get back to us?" he answered a question with one of his own instead.

"Dumbledore said I would be safe." Chaos laughed at that.

"That old fool is set to die soon; you should have taken your family and kept to yourself." He sneered, "But instead you helped him and now you've gotten you and your family in a difficult situation." The man paled when Chaos mentioned his family.

"No, please, I'll do anything, just don't harm my family, they didn't know." He begged.

"Start talking,"

"Dumbledore asked me to mark a few magical signatures, some death eaters that they've caught and Harry Potters." Boot got out in a rush, "He holds the tracking devices in his office, they can only be stopped by destroying the devices." Chaos growled at that.

"Is there any other way?" He demanded.

"N-no, they have to be completely obliterated." Chaos cursed.

"Thank you Mr Boot, you have been most helpful." Boot looked relieved so he didn't see the knife coming towards him until it embedded in his head.

"Damn it all to hell!" He burst out.

"It is rather problematic," Tom mused, Chaos turned to look at him incredulously but he saw Tom was in his thinking mode, he waited silently for Tom to finalise his idea and grinned when Tom finally looked up.

"There is a relatively simple solution." He said and Chaos tilted his head to the side.

"There is?"

"Yes," Tom got up and Chaos took his hand, he still wasn't comfortable going anywhere without Tom and Tom still had no intentions of allowing him out of his sight, they went to the lounge where the inner circle were sprawled about, luckily there were no Jr DE's in there.

"You have something to do," they were all on there feet in front of their lord.

"We have found the one responsible for my current position and he kindly told us how to break it." Chaos said them, "There is a problem, however, I have to break in to Dumbledore's office again."

"Ah," Barty said and Chaos nodded.

"Bella, Lucius, Dolohov and Rodolphus will be coming with me. We will be causing a diversion and leading the headmaster away from the school. Rabastan and Barty, you will be accompanying Chaos to the old fool's office to destroy the devices." Tom told them and Chaos grip had tightened, it would be the first time he had not been with Tom since it happened, the Jr initiation had been moved because of the circumstances and now he was going to going somewhere on his own.

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