Series 1 Ch2

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Embracing Evil: Series 1

Chapter 2

Glaring bright light was shining down in to Harrys shut eyes and he groaned, he did not want to wake up yet, he slowly moved sighing in relief when he was free of pain.

"Good afternoon Mr Potter, it's good to see you awake. Now, if you could sit up and order some lunch I may let you leave this evening. Only if you eat a whole meal, I've see you at meal times and I disapprove." The stern matron admonished brandishing her wand threateningly, Harry nodded quickly calling a house elf for some food, the little elf popped back happily with a steaming meal that Harry eat at an alarming rate; he was starving. He sat back and thought of everything that had happened the night before, he couldn't help the grin that came to his face. He finally had some freedom, he was doing something he wanted. Harry knew he had a lot of questions to answer when he next saw the Dark Lord but he didn't mind, he felt the pendent around his neck and sighed, it was keeping away the ringing and it was thrumming with Voldemort's magic.

Being released from hospital was both a blessing and curse, he had to keep his acting skills up to a superior level constantly as his 'friends' kept hassling him and others around would stop to listen, the bonus was he didn't have to stay under the all to watchful eye of Madam Pomfrey but he was currently thinking of injuring himself to get away from Ron and Hermione. He was sick to death with them. Harry knew the reason he was 'friends' with them, it kept the image of boy saviour, friends with a mudblood and blood traitor, the perfect little lion. Harry sneered as he sat in a hidden archway closing his eyes relishing in the peace and solidarity, there was 1 day left until he was away from Dumbledore and his minions. They all worshipped the ground the man walked on; it was pathetic. The headmaster was nothing more than a manipulative old coot after his next fix of power, he saw Harry as that ticket but Harry didn't agree. Dumbledore placed him with the Dursley's to supposedly help him have a normal childhood, instead he got beaten and starved learning only to rely on himself. What gave a headmaster of a school the right to decide where Harry was place, numerous wizarding families would have taken him as he was their 'saviour'. He was no one's saviour. Harry had built up his image of the saviour but it was getting harder to hide, the repetitive practice of dark magic tainted his magic and he couldn't quite hide his aura because it was so large, after practicing his magic swirled around him which only raised questions. He pulled out the map and groaned, Ron and Hermione were heading towards him so Harry got up and ran, tearing through a hidden tapestry and throwing himself through a pseudo solid brick wall he tore down the pitch black passage way and fell out of another apparent brick wall, he nearly cried when he realised he hadn't checked the map before coming out and appeared in front of a group of Slytherin's. He wiped the map blank and hid it discretely just in time because they seemed to get over their shock of him suddenly appearing from nowhere.

"Potter, what are you doing down here?" Malfoy demanded and Harry internally groaned, he really didn't have the patients to deal with them without throwing curses.

"Walking Malfoy, is that a crime now?" Petty Gryffindor remark; check.

"Why would a mangy lion come walking in the dungeons?" Parkinson sneered and Harry honestly didn't know whose voice was worse; hers or Hermione's.

"I felt like it, do you have a problem with that." Harry told them haughtily and he felt like banging his head on the wall, he wanted to curse the lot of them.

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