Series 3 Ch3

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J. K.

Warning: Mild slash and language.


Embracing Evil: Series 3

Chapter 3

Things picked up in school and before he knew it Christmas was approaching. Harry had got a lot done in those months which he was quite please with. He was Slughorn's official favourite student of the time, the man would sing his praises constantly and Harry did nothing to stop him, getting on Slughorn's good side would be nothing but beneficial to him. Of course this built tension between him and Hermione but there was nothing he could do about it, she needed to get over herself. The temptation to perform at his best was overwhelming but he kept himself back, his sudden intake of knowledge would be suspicious and he wanted himself suspicion free. Harry had also managed to get back to the chamber to advance his knowledge and his wandless ability, he could now manage nearly all of the spells he knew wandlessly. His lessons with Dumbledore were picking up now and he had learned about the Gaunts, he had spotted a ring and the locket in the family making them where Tom got his Slytherin ancestry. Seeing them made Harry feel very lucky Tom's mother had slept with a muggle because the Gaunts were foul. Harry found it ironic Tom blamed his uncle for the death of his father then stole from the man, it was obvious where the second Horcrux came from, the first being Myrtle in school.

Harry had seen a memory of Tom at school when he was with Slughorn asking about Horcruxes and he had the ring on his finger then, the memory had been modified which was lucky because Dumbledore really didn't need to know how many Tom created, it suddenly made sense to why Slughorn was in the school specifically. Harry was definitely speaking to Tom over the holidays, the man was going to be pissed to say the least but there was nothing he could do about it now, sometimes Harry hated his position, he always seemed to be the bringer of bad news. Because of his plans and the things he wanted to get done over the holidays, he had managed to convince Ron to let him stay at school while they went home, it would give him the freedom he needed to sort everything out and he could spend most of the time with Tom. In his latest lesson Dumbledore had set him homework of obtaining the real memory which he could do easily but he had not intentions of doing until he had spoken to Tom. He was sat in the common room thinking about what he was going to do in the holidays when Ron and Hermione came back from Prefect duties.

"Are you sure you don't want to come to the Burrow for Christmas?" Ron asked for the 50th time making Harry want to hex him.

"I'm sure Ron, I have so much to do and now Dumbledore has set me homework too, I can't let him down." Harry replied earnestly and Hermione actually agreed with him.

"How is he supposed to get the memory from Slughorn if he's not in the castle?" Hermione pointed out to the red head.

"I supposed but I think it's unfair." Harry shook his head. He withheld a groan when Ginny came over, she hadn't given up from the summer and felt the need to drape herself over him, it was nauseating and signing her early death.

"Hello Harry," She kind of reminded him of Myrtle which was a highly disturbing thing; he stopped the shudder of revulsion from being seen and focussed his thoughts elsewhere.

"Hey Gin," she practically glowed at the nickname and he cursed his own laziness, her name was awkward so he cut it and it seemed to be a big tick for her to continue with whatever she was doing.

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