Series 3 Ch1

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling.

Warning: Slash and torture.


Embracing Evil: Series 3.

Chapter 1.

Chaos was casually leaning against the throne and the ball commenced, it was a gathering really, it was to introduce new allies to the rest of the DE's. Tom was speaking to Lucius about something and Chaos was observing the group, he could see some of the werewolves and he laughed at the fact that representatives of the vampire clan they had on their side were the other end of the room, the two creatures did not get on at all. Most already knew who he was which is why he wasn't by Tom's side, the Dark Lord did like to show him off to people as his reputation had leaked out since the fight collecting the werewolves, everyone wanted to know who this 'Chaos' was, it was funny really, he would love to see their reactions to who he really was. Chaos pushed himself of the throne to go mingle with the crowd, maybe if he could find Barty they could spike the drink or something to spice things up, drunk death eaters were hilarious. He spoke to the brothers and Bella, he spoke to one of the vampires who was uncomfortable about being around so much 'food bags' as he put it, Harry told him to go hunt so he didn't attack anyone in the room. He was weaving expertly through the people when something happened that made him freeze, someone grabbed his ass, he span around angrily to see the culprit when the person kissed him. Harry's mind went blank before he threw them off furiously whipping his mouth.

"What do you think you are doing?" He hissed at the guy, he didn't recognise him so he must be new.

"Come on it was a bit of fun."

"Do you know who I am?" Chaos demanded harshly, Tom was going to be delighted when he found out someone else had touched what was his.

"A new allie, this is what this is for." He pointed out and Harry snarled.

"I am the Dark Lord's Chaos," Chaos spat and watched in pleasure as the man before him paled.


"Yes, how dare you touch me?"


"Wait until the Dark Lord finds out you touched what is his." The man lost more colour, his eyes darted around as if searching for the Dark Lord and Harry sneered.

"Good luck, he doesn't even like it when people look at me." He laughed cruelly before storming away, he felt kind of violated so he left the ball and smoked to their rooms. He threw off his robes for the elves to wash and had a quick shower, he got out and threw some jeans of then brushed his teeth when he felt Tom's magic get very thick which told him he had just found out, the man wouldn't be happy in the slightest. Harry walked out of the bathroom just as the bedroom door was flung open, he locked on with furious crimson eyes and withheld a wince; Tom was pissed. Chaos slowly walked forward until he was right in front of his lover, he tilted his head to the side letting his hair fall over his shoulder and said one word.

"Yours," Tom claimed his lip and in furious heated kiss, Chaos' arms found themselves around his loves neck as he was slowly pushed back against the desk, Tom lifted him on to the desk and Chaos wrapped his legs around the man, Tom trailed bites down his neck drawing a low moan from the younger.

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