Series 4 Ch1

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J. K.

Warning: Mild slash, arson and pain.

Embracing Evil: Series 4

Chapter 1

Harry was going out of his mind with boredom, he and Tom had agreed to this plan months ago but now he regretted it; a lot. This summer he was going to make a permanent break from Dumbledore's clutches and take up his place as Chaos full time, he was ecstatic, he couldn't wait. The only issue was as he was also coming in to his majority the Order was watching him closer than Mad eye Moody watches Death Eaters, he was being collected by the order when the clock struck midnight on his birthday when the blood wards would break, of course they didn't know that there were no longer blood wards as Petunia was no longer in the land of the living. Tom has brutally murdered the Dursley's for their treatment of him, it was a memorable occasion and their corpses were unrecognisable. Unfortunately for the Order, Harry would be long gone by the time they arrived and Chaos would be free, Barty and the Brothers were coming for him 2 hours before and he would disappear.

The reason Harry was so bored was he was living on his own as the Dursley's weren't there, not that he was complaining, and his birthday was an entire month after school, he had sorted his room and his belongings and apart from the new stuff he had bought for himself in Hogsmead he wasn't taking anything, he had left everything at the Manor. Harry sighed and made his way to the kitchen, he spent most of his time clutching his Dark Mark pendent in reminder to where he was going if he stuck it out, he made himself a snack and slumped in front of the T.V. The wards were stronger than ever this summer and he felt constantly groggy, he had taken to running around the block to keep his energy up and to feel his magic, three days couldn't go quick enough.

When the 30th of July did finally arrive Harry was ready to murder something if he had the energy, the Order had placed people around the house to monitor him and they had stopped him leaving the building for his 'protection'. He was out of food, his magic was practically non-existent and he was dead on his feet, the wards had pulled away all of the Dark Lord's magic from the pendant so even that was no comfort. He had managed to scatter his belongings and throw his wand on the desk like he had just vanished, he had the stuff he wanted neatly folded on the sofa as he was slumped over the arm. He hadn't felt this bad even in his condition last year, having his magic squashed brutally with no escape was awful, his head was spinning and his vision blurry as he stared at the clock. At 9:30 he summoned the energy to check his outfit, he was dressed in black skinny jeans and a green shirt, his death wand strapped to his arm and he thanked his stars he didn't have to change. Harry had deliberately left the door on the latch because he didn't know if he would have the energy to walk and open it, he couldn't even pull himself in to an upright position and he vowed to himself he would come back to torch this house. He heard a sequence of taps on the door and sighed in relief, Barty had been given a code to inform Chaos of who it was.

"Come in," Harry didn't even have the energy to wince at his weak voice, Barty came in looking alarmed but as soon as he crossed the threshold he clutched his chest and his legs gave out.

"What in Merlin's name-," He gasped in horror, his eyes found Harry's and he leapt up with obvious effort.

"Chaos, please be alive." He breathed, "Rod, I'm gunna need you but when come in be careful, Rab stay there." Rodolphus stepped in wearily but he didn't collapse thanks to Barty's warning, he did however clutch his chest and stumble.

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