Series 5 Ch1

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Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.K.

Warning: Slash.

Embracing Evil: Series 5,

Chapter 1;

Chaos walked slowly back to their rooms exhausted from a full day of training with the death eaters, their plans to take the ministry had come along nicely and Tom ordered them to train for the take over which was approaching. Chaos was overseeing the training with Barty and the brothers while Lucius and Izar worked on actual plans for the ministry with Tom, Chaos only wanted a say in Hogwarts so he offered to train instead. Tom was working endlessly to spare magical blood, he didn't want any needlessly spilt so he was planning everything down to the step, and the man's mind was truly brilliant. Tom had to go to the bank to collect something from his vault and he preferred to go out at night when less people were around, Chaos decided to stay behind because he was tired and wanted a shower. He walked in to their room and trooped to the shower, the hot water was soothing on his taught muscles and he stayed in their longer than usual just standing under the hot water and soaking up the warmth. Chaos dried his hair with a wave of his hand and tied it up, he threw on some old baggy bottoms and a loose top before going back in to the bedroom, he grabbed a book and curled up in Tom's chair, the room was way to big without the Dark Lord present and Chaos didn't really like it. No matter how much he much he tried, Chaos couldn't focus on the book, he kept glancing over to the desk where Tom usually would be at that time of day, with a groan he got up and sat at the desk. It was then he noticed a jewellery box sitting on the desk, there was a note with his name on it in Tom's elegant calligraphy and Chaos raised an eyebrow as he opened it.

For my Chaos,

Your pretty thing,


Chaos' eyes lit up and he picked up the box, he carefully opened it to reveal a silver wristband embedded with diamonds and emeralds with runes etched around the stones, he had enough background rune knowledge to know what they stood for; Love, Cherish, Adore and Eternity; it was stunning and Chaos was amazed. He gently took it out the box and slipped on to his wrist where it sat perfectly, he smiled brightly and went back to the chair, Tom was so let off for subjecting him to the Jr's, now all the man had to do was come back. Chaos couldn't help but admire the band, it was truly beautiful and the runes warmed his heart, they made him love Tom more than before which he didn't think was possible. Chaos felt Tom arrive back in the manor and smiled, the man had barely got in the door and removed his cloak before Chaos all but launched himself at him and pulled him for a searing kiss.

"Thank you," Chaos said and Tom smiled slightly,

"You found your gift,"

"I love it," Chaos told him with a bright smile.

"Good," Chaos kissed him again.

"Am I forgiven?"

"Definitely," Chaos agreed and then he gained a coy look biting his lip,

"I could show you how much I love my new gift," Tom's eyes darkened and he was pulled him in to a heated kiss, Chaos pushed him back to the wall pulling of the man's robes as he went leaving him in slacks. Chaos flashed a smirk and dropped to his knees, if Tom wasn't hard before then the sight of Chaos on his knees definitely did it, Chaos removed the trousers and ran his tongue along the entire length before taking it all in his mouth. Tom's head fell back against the wall in ecstasy, Chaos swirled his tongue and lightly dragged his teeth up gaining a please hiss from his lover. Tom watched through hooded eyes as Chaos' head bobbed, Chaos continued his assault brining more pleased sounds from Tom as he brought him closer to the edge, he finally hollowed his cheeks and Tom came with a shout, Chaos drank it all down and found himself yanked up in to a furious kiss. Tom didn't care if he could taste himself on his lover,

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