Chapter 1

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The bell signalled the end of the day and (Y/n) left the classroom, surrounded by a sea of people all pushing one another to try and leave school. It was the holidays; which meant two glorious weeks off before the exam season began. Most people that (Y/n) went to school with would be having a party and hanging out, and drinking with their friends. (Y/n) would do that, except she didn't really have any. The ones that she did leave her behind because she was "bringing everyone down." How could (Y/n) explain that it was depression? How could she tell them that she was struggling to cope with day to day life and that she was just waiting for death to appear and take her from this earth? She hid so much from them, from everyone; teachers included. Things like the scars on her arms where she had inflicted pain upon herself because there was no-one else to blame. There never was. Everything was her fault. She knew that no-ones lives were perfect, not even her friends, but they definitely lived better lives than the one that she did. Their parents gave them everything that they wanted, let them do whatever. (Y/n) didn't have that, damn, she didn't even have a dad. He left one day and just never came back and from then on, distraught, her mother became very strict and drank a little too much; (Y/n) blamed herself but she knew that there was nothing that could be done. 

Deciding to get ahead of school work and simply just not wanting to go home, (Y/n) decided to head to the local diner. She would work and probably grab something to eat whilst she was there. Her mother wasn't going to be home till late, either way, she probably wouldn't have cared. He stomach turned when she thought of her mother and the woman that she used to be. Before her dad left, they were a care free and happy family. Now it was just dark and scary, and (Y/n) was more alone than ever. 

She entered the diner, the cool air hitting her in the face. She looked around and noticed an empty booth in the corner and headed over to it. She pulled out her laptop, earphones, and notebook when a scrawny waiter came over. "Hi, I'm Mike and I'll be your waiter. What can I get for you?" He asked, gripping hold of his pen and paper. 

"I'll have a soda and some fries please." (Y/n) said as he jotted it down. 

"Of course. I'll get those for you." He said, before (Y/n) thanked him and he walked to get her drink. She began typing on her laptop when the door opened. Every time it opened, it made such a distinctive sound that everyone in the diner looked up to see who it was. (Y/n) looked to see a boy, around the same age as her and the waiter that served her. He patted the waiter on the back and winked at her before heading into the back. (Y/n) could only guess that he worked there as she tried to hide the fact that she was blushing as she continued on with her work. The waiter brought over her soda and informed her that her fries would be ready soon. He left her too is as she went from her laptop, to making notes on her notebook before going back to the laptop. 

It was about 10 minutes later when someone came over with her fries. "Here you go." The voice that spoke didn't belong to Mike the waiter so (Y/n) looked up. It was the boy that walked in just moments before. He was wearing his uniform and a name tag that said 'Billie'. "Thanks." (Y/n) smiled as he looked down at the work that was lying in front of her. "Looks complicated." He admitted, messing with his hair. 

"Not really, once you get the hang of it." (Y/n) told him.

"Nah, this is part of the reason I dropped out." He laughed and so did (Y/n); his laugh was infectious. "Enjoy." He said, before leaving (Y/n) to it. Part of her desperately wanted him to stay with her because she couldn't deny that he was cute and he genuinely made her laugh which (Y/n) thought was impossible nowadays. 

Getting back to her work, Billie still running through her mind, she devoured her fries and soda as she simultaneously worked. She was typing up the last paragraph of her essay when Billie came over. "Was everything okay?" He asked but before (Y/n) could answer the door opened, making that horrendous noise that forced (Y/n) to looked to see who it was. "Shit, no." Was her reply as Billie looked at the door. Before he could ask who it was, they spoke.

"Get the fuck here, (Y/n)." It was her mother and she was drunk again, so (Y/n) was going to have to take her home. Now, everyone in the diner was looking at (Y/n), then her mother, then back at (Y/n). (Y/n) began shoving all of her things into her bag, desperate to get out to avoid any further embarrassment. "How much do I owe you?" She asked Billie as she pulled money out of her pocket. "Don't worry about it." He said, pushing her money back towards her. "I've got this." 

"No, I can't let you do-" (Y/n) began but Billie stopped her. 

"Don't worry about it." He repeated. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked, concerned. As he spoke, he spoke in a hushed voice.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm used to it now." (Y/n) said as she thanked him and headed towards the door where her mother was standing and out the diner, leaving Billie looking at the door, extremely worried. 

"Get in the car." (Y/n) said, as she unlocked it and got in and her mother followed. The drove in silence for a while before (Y/n) said; "What the hell was that?" Her mother remained silent. 

"You can't keep doing this." (Y/n) told her. 

"The hell I can!" 

"No, you can't. It's got to stop. Okay, I can't keep doing this and you can't keep turning up like that." She took a breathe as her hands shook. "Look, I get it, you're angry but so am I. How the hell do you think that this makes me feel? Do you have any idea how alone I am?" (Y/n) asked but her mother showed no emotion or remorse to what (Y/n) was saying. They pulled up outside the house just as tears came to (Y/n) eyes. "I want my mother back and I want to be happy again. You aren't the only one who feels like shit all the time." (Y/n) stormed into the house and slammed her bedroom door behind her as her mother headed straight for the kitchen to get a drink. (Y/N) threw her bag onto the floor and collapsed onto her bed in tears as she clutched a pillow. 

She was embarrassed and upset. She was in pain. In that moment, she decided that she was going to make the pain end, one way or another.

*A/n* - 

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new Billie Joe Armstrong Fan fiction! Let me know in the comments what you think of the first chapter! 

Don't forget that requests are still open for Green Day imagines! 


Updated 2020

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