Chapter 14

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Every night had been exactly the same, but just as eventful as the night before; if that was even possible. The crowds seemed to get louder, and louder, and more energetic. "Hey! Hey!" Billie shouted, and the crowd repeated as Billie played his guitar, with Mike, and Tre playing their instruments in time with his. People in the crowd were screaming, crying, crowd surfing, fighting. The energy was electric. (Y/n) stood at the side of the stage every night, along with Ollie, singing along to every song. She was a proud girlfriend. In fact, some nights were so energetic, and Billie's energy still at a high, that when they got back to their hotel room, Billie would throw (Y/n) down on the bed, and kiss her, as moans escaped her lips. (Y/n) was grateful that Mike, Tre, and Ollie were elsewhere in the hotel. Those nights became very memorable. When the band hadn't been performing or rehearsing or travelling to the next destination, they went sightseeing and got to walk around the streets of these foreign cities. (Y/n) took everything that she saw in, for she didn't know when she was going to get this opportunity again. The tour gave the band, and (Y/n) the chance to meet many adoring fans. (Y/n) was surprised at how lovely the fans had been to her, and how welcoming they were to her; she had always been under the impression that fans would be jealous, and therefore hate her. Clearly, she'd been proven very wrong, and felt bad that she'd made assumptions. But she wasn't stupid, she knew that those type of fan were out there, and certainly didn't like her, but she knew that it shouldn't matter. Whilst they had been travelling, Billie had taken the opportunity to do what he did best and wrote more music. He loved to write down everything he was feeling. 

It was so disappointing when it was time for them to go home, and back to reality. 

When they arrived, everyone got off the plane, and Billie and (Y/n) got straight into a car which was going to take them home. (Y/n) couldn't believe that the tour of the world with Billie, Mike, and Tre was over. She felt like a new person; she was happier than she had ever been in her entire life, and she never wanted that feeling to go away. Needless to say, life was great; the best that it had ever been. 

(Y/n) and Billie had left Mike, and Tre behind with Ollie, who was going to take her home, as Tre's car was already there for him to drive, whereas (Y/n)'s, and Billie's cars were still at home. That was still a weird thing to say; home. The home that they shared. 

When they arrived at the house, there was a woman sitting outside on the steps that led to the front door. Neither (Y/n) or Billie recognised her, but as the car pulled up, it got her attention, and she looked up. A nervous smile appeared across her face. (Y/n) and Billie thanked the driving before getting out of the car, Billie, with the help of the driver, got their suitcases out of it, as the woman stood up looking at her. It took (Y/n) a few moments before she realised who it was. "(Y/n), darling." Her mother was the woman that stood in front of her, looking completely different, like she had done before she became an addict; she looked, once again like the woman (Y/n) used to know. 

"You're back." was all (Y/n) could manage. Billie stood next to (Y/n), letting her know that he was there for support if she should need it. 

"I'm back." She replied, looking at Billie. "Well, aren't you going to introduce me?" 


Updated 2020

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