Chapter 11

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Since that night that Billie and (Y/n) had spent together, Billie had spent every night sleeping at (Y/n)'s. Their days were simple, Billie and (Y/n) would head to the studio, look at the reactions to the album that Green Day had just released, (Y/n) would watch the guys perform older songs, and practice the news ones for the up and coming tour, and trying to incorporate cool moves into the middle of the songs as they all played their instrument. Billie went with a jump into mid-air, when he played a major chord. At the end of the day, Billie and (Y/n) would head back to (Y/n)'s house and have dinner, drink wine, before heading to bed. Before doing it all over again the next day. 

(Y/n) stood in the kitchen, making dinner as Billie had a shower.  "That smells incredible," Billie told (Y/n) as he planted kisses all over her, taking her by surprise, as she hadn't realised that he had gotten out of the shower. Billie's wet hair dripped down onto the shoulder of (Y/n)'s shirt. 

"What's the matter with you?" (Y/n) asked, smiling as Billie's arms wrapped around her waist, and his head rested on her shoulder. "Why are you so happy?" Billie kissed her neck delicately. "Is it so wrong for a man to be happy when he's holding his girlfriend in his arms?"

"I'm going to miss you when you go on tour." (Y/n) told him, as she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, and planted a kiss on his cheek. She slowly placed her head on his shoulder. She listened to him breathing, she felt his chest moving in and out as she felt his fingers run through her hair. "What if you don't have to miss me?" He said. (Y/n)'s head slowly rose from his shoulder so that her face now met his. "What do you mean?" She asked. She was confused as to what he meant. 

"Well, I was hoping that you would come on tour with me." Billie looked at (Y/n), and awaited her answer. "Really?"

"Of course babe." He said. "There is no-one that I want to be with me out there on the road with me, more than you." He admitted. "So, what do you say?" He added, hope rising in his voice. 

"Of course." (Y/n) replied as she hugged him. "I can't wait to be a supportive girlfriend backstage. You know, the one that sings along to every word, who claps and cheers the loudest. The proud girlfriend." Billie's eyes widened as (Y/n) described all of this to him; they were fixed on her the entire time. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asked as he kissed her head. 

"I think it's the other way around." (Y/n) said, biting her lip as she tried to stop the tears from forming in her eyes, but Billie noticed. "Hey, what's wrong?" He questioned as she shook her head to convince him that nothing was wrong. "It's nothing." She said, turning away from him and wiping her eyes. (Y/n) placed his hand on her shoulder.  "(Y/n), baby, talk to me."

"How did I get so lucky?" She asked, turning back to face him, not denying the tears anymore. "After everything that happened? How?" Billie pulled her into his arms. "I really don't deserve you." Billie looked at her and made her look at him in return. "Listen to me, babe." He said calmly, wiping away a tear that fell. "I know it's painful, your mother, all of it but you are so much better than all of that." He pulled her into a kiss.  "I love you."

"I love you too," Billie replied. "Now, better get packing; you've got a tour to accompany me on." 


Updated 2020

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