Chapter 4

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Neither Billie nor (Y/n) had been able to sleep that night. Theirs minds were whirring with the thought of each other. (Y/n) still wasn't able to believe that someone, somebody she hardly knew, could be so nice to her, considering her situation and what she had been through. No-one had ever been as nice to her as Billie had been. 

Every time Billie closed his eyes, he saw (Y/n), he saw her smile and how valuable she was and it broke him to think that she couldn't see it for herself but he was determined to make her see if, one way or another. When he awoke, he grabbed his phone and stared at (Y/n)'s number. He wanted to text her but he wasn't sure what to say to say to her. 

(Y/n) hadn't spoken to her mother since. When Billie had taken her home, she went straight to her room, her mother fast asleep on the sofa and left early the next morning. When she arrived at school, the place was still dead and hardly anyone had arrived yet. It was just her, some teachers and a few other students.  (Y/n) headed to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her forehead was still cut and a little bit bruised and the back of her head still throbbed. She had tried to cover it with makeup but it hadn't really worked. 

She found herself wandering around the building for ages, before finding reaching the classroom that she was in first and taking her seat at the back. She pulled out her laptop and began doing some work but she found herself getting distracted by the thought of Billie. She smiled when she thought of him and about what had happened the day before. She picked up her phone and stared at the screen, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. She began writing a message before deleting it. She didn't know what to say but she also didn't want to bother him. 

"Good Morning class!" (Y/n) looked up as her teacher, Mr Peterson walked into the class. He smiled at everyone as he took his laptop out of his bag. Out of all the teachers that taught her (Y/n) probably preferred him out of all of them. He was actually very kind and always made sure that she was alright; he was aware of (Y/n)'s home situation and just wanted to make sure that she was doing alright. "I'm coming round to collect your essays, so please have them ready." He went around the class and collect the essays. He reached (Y/n)'s desk and smiled as she handed him the essay. As he walked away, her phone vibrated; picking up her phone. She looked at the screen and smiled in disbelief. It was Billie. 'Hey, (Y/n)." Do you wanna hang out  with me later?' He text.

'Hey, Billie. That'd be great.' (Y/n) replied.

'I'll pick you up after school then.'  Excitement shot through (Y/n)'s body that the fact that she was going to see him again and she couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same way.

"(Y/n), could you just wait behind for a moment, please?" Mr Peterson asked as everyone else walked out of the class. "Is everything okay?" He asked her as he placed his laptop and the essays that he had collected earlier into his bag. "Yeah, everything is fine." Immediately, (Y/n) knew where this was going. 

"Are you sure?" He stopped and she watched as he looked at the bruise on her forehead. "How did you hurt your head?" He questioned. (Y/n) looked at him before looking at her feet. "I don't mean to pry but I know that things haven't always been easy for you. If you don't want to talk about it now, I understand but when you're ready, please come and find me." (Y/n) felt a lump in her throat.

"Thank you, Mr Peterson." She said, before walking out of the room and down the corridor as tears strolled down her face. She was so grateful that he cared as much as he did but she hated that he was only asking because of the circumstances. She didn't want to be the girl that's mother was an alcoholic and she sure as hell didn't want it to define her. 

She spent the rest of the day staring at the clock and waiting till she could leave and see Billie again. When the final bell rang, (Y/n) practically leapt out from her seat, throwing her bag over her shoulder and clutching her folder as she was one of the first people out of school. As she walked down the steps, she looked up to see Billie stood by his car. He waved at her, causing an even bigger smile to spread across her face. "Hey, you." He said when she arrived at the car. "Hey, you." She replied as he opened the door for her. She got in and climbed into the seat next to him. He got in. "Where to miss?" He asked her.

"My house please." (Y/n) smiled.

"Of course M'lady," said Billie, starting up the car and driving away. A few moments of silence filled the air; neither of them was sure of what to say to one another. Eventually breaking the ice, Billie said; "Did your mother say anything to you yesterday?"

"No. She was asleep and I didn't see her this morning but I heard her go to work. She'll be there now, so that gives me time to get some work done." (Y/n) told him. 

"But she'll be okay with you when she sees you?" He asked her, extremely concerned. 

"Yeah." She said, although a little uncertain herself. "Besides, yesterday, I fought fire with fire. It was my own fault." Billie stopped at the lights. 

"Hey, remember that none of this is your fault." He reminded her as he set off again and turned the corner of her street. He pulled up outside her house. "Here you go."

"Thanks, Billie." (Y/n) said, looking at him.

"Anytime, you know that." He replied, winking at her. Neither of them moved, but instead remained fixated on one another. Billie slowly began to lean in as did (Y/n) as eventually their lips connected with each other. At that moment, (Y/N) felt complete. Billie's hand ran through her hair as he kissed her; her hand was placed on his cheek. When their lips parted, they smiled at one another. "Come for dinner tomorrow," Billie said, suddenly.

"Dinner?" (Y/n) repeated to ensure that she had heard him correctly. 

"Yes, Dinner. I'll make you dinner." He said. "My mum's going out of town, so I'm not asking you to meet her but I'd like to cook for you." He admitted. 

"Billie, is this like a date?" (Y/n) asked him curiously. 

"I guess." He said. "If you don't want to I under-"

"Yes." (Y/n) interrupted him. "I'd like that." She said. 

"Dinner it is then." And he kissed her again. 


Updated 2020

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