Chapter 8

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It had been a week since (Y/n)'s mother had left and moved away from (Y/n) in order to try and sort out her addiction once and for all and it had been a week since Billie admitted his true feelings towards her as he told her that he loved her. Every time that (Y/n) thought about that night about what he said to her, it made her stomach do somersaults. How she desperately wanted to tell him how she felt but she was too scared. Scared that she could probably fuck up a really good thing because all she seemed to know how to do. She never was able to keep a good thing. 

She made her to the venue that Billie, Mike and Tré playing a gig at tonight. Billie would have picked her up but she was sitting her final exam, so she offered to walk so that she could allow Billie to get ready for his gig and by the time that (Y/n) would arrive at the venue, all of her stress would be gone as she'd have walked it off and she could really focus on Billie and what he was doing; she could be as supportive as possible. 

She arrived just as Billie was going on stage. "You made it!" He smiled, kissing her. "I'm so happy to see you. How was the exam?" He asked. 

"It was alright." (Y/n) replied. 

"I bet you aced it." He said, before kissing her again and running on stage. You watched from the side as the crowd jumped up and down on the floor, singing along to the words of 'When I Come Around'. Every now and again, Billie looked at (Y/n) and smiled as she stood by the side of the stage. It gave him great pleasure to know that she was there with him.

When he came off of the stage, she greeted him. "That was amazing!" She smiled, planting a kiss on his lips. "I'm so glad that you are here." He smiled as he placed his hands on her waist. "Hey (Y/n)." Billie began to speak again, as his fingers ran up and down her arms. "There's something that I want to ask you." 

"Oh yeah?" She smiled as his fingers ran through her hair. Billie's aroma surrounded her and it made her feel safe and loved. She wanted it to stay like that forever; she wanted him to stay forever, but she knew that was probably asking too much. Billie went to open his mouth to speak but he was interrupted at they were joined by Mike and Tré. "Hey lovebirds." Tré said, as he placed his hand on Billie's back. 

"Hey!" (Y/n) smiled back at them and Tré shook his head as he looked at (Y/n) and Billie as they stood together. "What?" Billie asked, defensively. 

"I just can't believe it." Said Tré, "I can't believe that you, you of all people, got a girlfriend before I did." He turned to Mike. "The world's gone mad."

(Y/n) couldn't help but laugh as Billie said; "Hang on Tré, I thought you were dating that Megan girl?" On the other side of (Y/n), Mike was shaking his head at Billie in disagreement. 

"No, I thought he was dating..." Mike struggled for a name as he clicked his fingers in the hope that it would return to him. It did. "Alex! I thought that he was dating Alex." 

"What about Hilary?" Billie pointed out. 

"And Sydney." Mike added. (Y/n) watched this go one for a while before Tré stopped the two of them. "Right, we get it guys, I can't help it but I'm a ladies man." 

"More like a sex addict." Mike muttered making Billie and (Y/n) laugh as Billie high-fived him. "My point is..." Tré continued, ignoring Mike's remark. "I just saw myself finding a nice girlfriend, just one girl, before Billie did." 

"Are you sure that there are any girls left?" (Y/n) asked making both Mike and Billie snort with laughter. "You'v got a keeper here, Billie." Mike noted, through tears. 

"I know." Billie smiled as he held (Y/n) a little but closer to him. 

"No, you're right (Y/n)." Tré said, clearing his voice and standing up straight. "I'm going to be a better person, a better man." He said, nodding his head with certainty. 

"Good for you Tré." Billie said before Tré's eyes met with this other woman's making Tré smile. "Hello..." He said, seductively and following her. 

"Well, that didn't last long." Mike said, stating the obvious before announcing that he was going to leave the two of them to it as he had said that he would help is mother with some errands. (Y/n) and Billie were alone once more. "What was it that you wanted to say?" She asked him as they walked hand in hand together. "Oh yeah." He said, smiling. "You see, the thing is, now that you've past your exams-"

"I haven't passed them yet." (Y/n) corrected as she interrupted him. 

"I know that you have." Billie replied, before correcting himself. "Now that you've finished school and your exams, I was wondering if you wanted a job."

"A job?"

"Yeah, a job. With me and the boys, with our manager."

"Really?" (Y/n) asked excitedly. 

"Of course!" He replied as he watched her smile. "So, what do you say?"

"Yes!" (Y/n) replied. "Yes!" As he hugged her. All he wanted to do was make her happy. Hell, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her but he swore to remain patient with her, allowing her the time that she needed to decide what she wanted or what it was that she wanted to say to him. He respected that things hadn't been easy for her and that she would probably need that time. She made him incredibly happy, the happiest that he had been in a long time, and (Y/n) felt that same. 

Billie took hold of her hand and kissed it delicately. "Come on." He smiled. "I'll walk you home." 


Updated 2020

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