Chapter 6

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When (Y/n) had woken up the next morning, she was driven home by Billie. He smiled as she got out of the car and ran towards her front door. She waved at him before she headed inside. Once he made sure that the door had closed, he drove away but neither of them could stop thinking about the night before. (Y/n) locked the door before she noticed her mother, in the living room, passed on the sofa and surrounded by bottles of vodka and other various types of alcohol. (Y/n) knew better than to disturb her, so she ran upstairs and grabbed a shower before collapsing onto her bed, Billie running through her mind. She was his girlfriend and she couldn't help but think that maybe he was her shot at happiness, finally. The happiness that she had been waiting for her whole life. 

The night of the concert: 

When you arrived at the venue that Green Day would be playing at, (Y/n) and Billie was taken in through a side door and led backstage were a lot of engineers were, prepping the stage ready. "Here they are!" (Y/n) and Billie turned around to see a boy; a boy that (Y/n), recognised to be Mike. He was smiling at them both before he was joined by another boy. (Y/n) realised that this must be Tré. Billie smiled back at the two of them as he held (Y/n)'s hand in his. 

"Mike, you remember (Y/n)." Billie said, looking between (Y/n) and Mike. 

"Briefly." He admitted. "It's nice to properly meet you." He smiled before Billie turned (Y/n)'s attention to Tré. "(Y/n). This is Tré, the drummer." Tré smiled at you before looking at Billie. 

"Is that all I am to you? Drummer?" He said dramatically, before looking at you. "He meant to say 'most important member of this band'." Billie rolled his eyes. "It's nice to meet you (Y/n). We've heard a lot about you." He said, throwing his drumsticks in the air and catching them again. "Really?" (Y/n) asked. 

"Yeah." Mike piped up. "All good things too." He smiled as (Y/n) looked at Billie, who looked slightly embarrassed. "Piss of you two." He laughed. "I'll see you out there." He stated as Mike and Tré left and Billie turned to (Y/n). She smiled at him. "What?" He asked. 

"Do you really talk about me?" She asked as he held in his arms. 

"Of course I do. I'd be crazy not to talk about you." (Y/n) felt her heart beating fast in her chest. "I don't deserve you." She stated as Billie shook his head.

"On the contrary; It's me who doesn't deserve someone as wonderful as you." He looked behind him. It was time for him to go on stage. "You'll be great." (Y/n) told him and with that, Billie kissed (Y/n) and ran on stage.

The whole night was loud and the room was filled with people who were cheering, screaming, and jumping up and down. Some were even fighting with one another to get a good view of the stage. This is why (Y/n) was grateful to be backstage and away from the chaos of the crowd. Billie, Mike and Tré played songs that encouraged people to jump up and down and feel understood with regards to their emotions. (Y/n) smiled all the way through. 

"Finally, tonight, we're going to be playing a new song," Billie said as he gripped hold of his guitar with one hand on the microphone in the other. He looked over at you as you stood at the side of the stage. "I wrote this song for somebody very, very special to me. My girlfriend, (Y/n)." He stated, still looking at you with a smile etched across his face. He winked at you. "Somebody who unfortunately doesn't realise how truly special she really is." 

The crowd cheered as they began to strum the guitars. Billie played before approaching the microphone and singing into it. "She. She screams in silence. A sullen riot penetrating through her mind. Waiting for a sign, to smash the silence with the brick of self-control." He strummed the guitar harder. "Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without a use? Scream at me, until my ears bleed. I'm taking heed just for you."

The crowd were jumping up and down. (Y/n) felt touched and honoured that Billie had written a song for her. It brought tears to her eyes. "She. She's figured out, all her doubts were someone else's point of view. Waking up this time, to smash that silence with the brick of self-control." 

When the gig was over and as everyone was spilling out of the venue, Billie ran to you backstage and pulled (Y/n) into a hug and spinning her around. "Billie, you were amazing!" (Y/n) said as Billie placed her down in front of him and she pulled him into a kiss. 

"(Y/n), there's something that I need to tell you," Billie muttered, shyly. 

"Okay...." (Y/n) replied cautiously. 

"It's nothing bad." He said, before taking a pause and not being able to look (Y/n) in the eye. They remained like this for a few moments before (Y/n) eventually said; "Billie, what is it?" When he didn't answer, she added. "Billie, you're scaring me." Her mind was running to all of the worst places imaginable and she had no idea what he was going to say to her next. Did his friends not like her? Did they advise him to break up with her? Did he, himself, decide that he wanted to break up with her? Was this it? Was he ending their relationship? 'No' She told herself. 'Why would he write a song for me, perform it and tell people that I'm his girlfriend if he wanted to break up with me?'  She was trying to look for the positives in order to stop the worried look on her face. All she knew is that she couldn't lose him, correction, she wouldn't. 

"(Y/n),  I know it's early, but I think I'm falling in love with you." He admitted to (Y/n) as she stood in front of him.


Updated 2020

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