Chapter 3

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(Y/n) ran down the street as fast as her feet could carry her. At this moment, she wanted to run away to a place where no-one knew her, somewhere where she could start again. She wanted to disappear forever. Everywhere hurt and she felt faint from the amount of blood that she had lost. To make matters worse, she couldn't see where she was going because tears filled her eyes and made her vision blurry. She got to the end of the street and went to turn the corner but ran into someone. Without looking to see who it was, she said; "I'm so sorry." She hoped that they would leave her be but they grabbed her arm. "(Y/n)?" She heard her name spoken by a voice that she faintly recognised. She brought her head up to see a boy around the same age as he stood in front of her. 

After a few moments, she realised that she had met him before, it was one of the boys from the diner a few days before. She studied his face before saying; "Billie?" Uncertainty coursed through her voice as she worried that she had gotten the wrong name and that she was in the state that she was. "From the diner?" 

"Yeah." He said, still holding into her arm. "What's going on? What happened?" 

"Nothing." She said, turning her face away from his. He just looked at her, his eyes staring right through her. "(Y/n). I'm not stupid." He stated as he noticed the blood. "You're bleeding. Let me help you." He offered. 

"Honestly, Billie. You don't need to do that."

"Please." He insisted. "It's the least that I can do." (Y/n) agreed and he took out of some napkins from the pocket of his jacket from when Mike had his burger. He used them to wipe away the blood. (Y/n) repeatedly thanked him but he kept telling her not to apologise. They got up from the bench that they were sitting on and carried walking down the street.  There were a few moments of silence before Billie said; "Has she hit you before?"

"Who?" (Y/n) asked, already knowing the answer.

"Your mother." He added. (Y/n) took a deep breathe and nodded in reply to Billie's question. He looked at her as she said. "It's happened once or twice." (Y/n) admitted. Billie shook his head. "You shouldn't have to live like that." He said. 

"It's okay." (Y/n) told him as they turned down another street, but before he could tell her that it wasn't okay, she continued to talk: "Where exactly are we going?" She asked him. "I'm taking you where I go when I need to escape." He winked at her as she followed him. After a few minutes, they ended up at the abandoned tracks from the train line that used to run through the town years before. "This is where you come?" (Y/n) asked, as they sat together on the wall. "Yeah." Billie said. "I can't tell you the amount of times I came here when I used to run away." He laughed as he reminisced. 

"You used to run away?"

"Yeah. I was rebelling a little. That and I needed to escape, especially after my dad died." He told her. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea." (Y/n) said. Billie told her not to be and when he looked over at her, she had wrapped her arms around herself. "Here, have my jacket I don't need it." He offered it to her. (Y/N) smiled, taking it. "Thanks." She put in on.

"Has she always been like this?"

 "No, she used to be so different." (Y/n) told him. "She was kind and funny; she was the best mother." 

"So what changed?" asked Billie. 

"My dad. He didn't exactly win father of the year and he treated us like crap. My mum stayed with him because she didn't want me growing up with a dad and then when he left, she was distraught and drinking became her best friend." (Y/n) wiped her eyes as tears formed in them. "I'm really sorry about your dad, (Y/n)." 

"Don't be, it's not your fault." said (Y/n). "I don't know anything about you. Tell me about yourself."

"Oh, well, there's not really much to tell." He said, running his hand through her hair. "I'm a musician." He said. "It's why I dropped out of High School." 

"Really?" (Y/n) asked, smiling. "How's it going?" He nodded in reply to her question. 

"It's going well. You'll have to come to one of our gigs sometime." He offered. (Y/n) felt herself blushing. She had never felt so cared for and understood in her life. "I'd like that a lot. Do you write your own songs?" 

"I do, yeah." He stopped and together they sat and looked at one another. "Life's shit but you're never alone, you know that don't you?" He looked at (Y/n) before noticing her arm and the scars that lay on it. "Did you do that?" He asked but before (Y/n) could answer, he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Give me yours." He said. (Y/n) pulled the phone out of her pocket and handed it to Billie, him giving her his. "This is my number. Now, I want you to call me if you need me and it doesn't matter what time of day it is. If you need someone to scream at; ring me. If you need a shoulder to cry on; ring me. I'm always here. Let's be angry at life together." (Y/n) put her number on the phone and handed it back to Billie. "That means so much to me but, can I ask, why are you being so nice to me? You hardly know me." (Y/n) asked.

"Because I know what it's like to feel like the entire world is against you. Like you're completely alone." He stopped. "(Y/n), you don't deserve any of this and I want you to realise your worth so much more than you give yourself credit for." (Y/n) started to cry as Billie pulled her into a hug. "Hey. What's the matter?" Billie asked, holding (Y/n) in his arms. 

"It's stupid but no-one has ever been this nice to me before." She sobbed as she placed her hand on his shoulder and his fingers ran through her hair, comforting her. 

"You're never alone." He repeated. They stayed that way for what felt like hours before (Y/n) finally said. "I should probably get going home."

"Are you sure that you should be going back there?" asked Billie, concerned.

"It'll be fine; she'll have calmed off a little bit now." (Y/n) stood up, followed by Billie. "Besides, I have school tomorrow." 

"If you're sure," Billie replied. "I'll walk you home then." (Y/n) turned to face Billie. 

"You really don't have to do that, Billie." She said. "Honestly, you've done more than enough." Billie shook his head and walked beside her. "No, I insist." He told her and that was that. They walked together until they reached (Y/n)'s house. "Well, this is me." She said, looking at the house, before looking back at Billie. "Are you sure that you're alright? You know, you can always stay at mine, if you need to." Billie offered.

"It's okay, Billie. Thank you." (Y/n) hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "For everything. You're a good person." He smiled as (Y/n) kissed his cheek and headed towards the front door. When she reached it she turned around and said; "Text me?" 

"Sure." He smiled, as he watched her go through the door. She looked at him one more time, he winked at her and she smiled before closing the door behind her. 


Updated 2020

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