Chapter 16

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"I'm so happy for you," Billie said as he hugged her tightly. "I know that can't have been easy for you." 

(Y/n) gave a small nod as his grip of her loosened, but still continued to hold her in his arms. "I did not expect to see her sat on the steps." (Y/n) admitted. "I don't want to fight with her for the rest of my life. I want to introduce her as my mother, and show her off. I want her to be there for everything, and proud of me." (Y/n) stopped as Billie kissed her forehead. "I want her to be there when I get married and have kids. I want her to share all of those things with me." She looked at him. "With us." She knew that this addition to her sentence was a risky one, but she had needed to say it; she couldn't imagine spending the rest of her life with anyone but Billie. (Y/n) wanted him to be the father of her children. She wanted to be Mrs Armstrong. When Billie didn't say anything, she said: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

He smiled. "Are you kidding me? That sounds amazing." 


"Of course." He replied. "You know, I've thought about it a lot." He gave a small laugh, running his hands through his hair. "It's obvious, and inevitable that we're going to have kids together one day."

"You really want that? With me of all people?"

"Of course I do babe. There is no-one else I would want as the mother of my children." He kissed her lips gently as his hands lay around her waist. "I remember the first time that I met, there's something about you, I couldn't work it out, but I soon realised that I'd met my person." He stopped and looked at her, as though he was looking into her soul. "I know that we're probably still too early into our relationship to be talking about this, but I just wanted you to know that you're my girl, and I love you."

"I like being your girl." (Y/n) told him. "I love you too." The two of them sat down on the sofa, her head lying on Billie's chest; everything was okay, she and her mother were going to be okay, and this sent a shot of relief through her body. This was what she had been waiting for her entire life; for her mother to acknowledge the past, and what's happened, and want to move forward, to have a relationship. All she had ever wanted with her mother was a proper relationship, especially after her father left. (Y/n) had known that her mother had loved her, but she had just never known how to express that love properly, which meant that she had left (Y/n) to feel alone and even unloved. (Y/n) knew that she had to forgive her mother, so she did, and now she was ready to move forward with her life, her new life; a life that even involved her mother too. 


**Two Weeks Later**

Today was the day; it had finally arrived. (Y/n) was meeting her mother for dinner. 

"How are you feeling about today?" Billie asked as he slid a cup of coffee across the counter to (Y/n). She took it in her hands and allowed it to warm her up. "Nervous." She admitted, before taking a sip of the drink. "But also excited." Billie smiled. It made him so glad to hear that. It made him happy to know that things were being sorted with her and her mother because it meant that (Y/n) wasn't going to spend any more time blaming herself for what had happened between the two of them in the past, and with her father, and really allow her to move forward, but also show off the life that she had built for herself; and for her to love, and be proud of herself. That's all Billie wanted. For (Y/n) to see what everyone else saw in her, and love it; love it as he did. 

"Everything is going to be fine." He said. "I promise, and I'm only a phone call away if you should need me."

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" (Y/n) asked him. Her mother had offered for Billie to also go with (Y/n) to see her and have dinner, but Billie had politely declined. "Maybe next time. I just think that you two should have this time together, as mother and daughter, and really work things out without me there." He smiled as (Y/n) took a sip of her drink. "Besides, it'll be the perfect opportunity to work on some music."

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