A Scuffle in Sand

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... he put on a pair of white gloves and turned into Tomb, the seals master before disappearing into the caves ...


"DIE DEMON!" screamed an enraged ninja as he threw a kunai at a small red headed boy.

The sand whipped around the scared boy and flicked the kunai away, "Please stop! I'm not a demon!" cried the little boy.

"Of course you are! Even the kazekage thinks so. That's why he hired me to kill you." The small boy closed his eyes and waited for his sand to block the assassin's weapon ...

*clang* The boy looked up and saw a another person blocking his attacker's weapon. This newcomer was a tall black haired male about 14-15 years old wearing a red cloak and withe gloves.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? Get out of my way! That thing is a demon and has to die!" barked the ninja.

"A demon? Hey kid what's your name?" asked the teen.

The red head whimpered, "Gaara."

"I see." He let the ninja go. The assassin thought this meant that he could kill the boy without further interference ... he was wrong. He took one step towards the frightened boy, but that was all. The Sand ninja died before he could even register the chakra enhanced sword that sliced him into four parts.

The teen with white gloves whipped off the blade and it disappeared as he walked towards the redhead, "It's ok, Gaara. I'm not going to hurt you." He sat in the sand near the boy and pulled out a scroll that opened to reveal a seal. Two cups of water appeared on the seal in a puff of smoke.

Gaara hesitantly took the cup of water, "Thank you, w-who are you?" He asked as he took a sip of water.

"I have several names, but with these gloves on I go by Tomb ... now Gaara, what was that guy after?"

"M-my father sent him to kill me." sniffled the redhead as he stared sadly into his cup. Although Tomb showed no reaction it was clear that he is pissed.

Tomb smiled, "Gaara, I made a promise to find some people and bring a family back together. Would you like to come?"

"You'd take me with you?" The boy's blue-green eyes were filled with so much hope.

"Yes, if that's what you want."

"Yes yes please I don't want to go back to Sand."

The teen smiled, "Ok, come here." He picked up Gaara and after leaving a shadow puppet with the hiraishin seal behind so he didn't have to travel all the way back and they vanished ...

Gaara felt dizzy as they reappeared, but that feeling was quickly replaced with shock, "Wow, this place is ..." The redhead was at a loss for words. Never in his life has he seen such enormous trees or a beautiful lush forest before and that waterfall was ... incredible!

"Nice isn't it. Hey Doppel." Gaara jumped as a blonde teen with whisker marks appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Doppel nodded, "Hey boss-"

"Naruto!" A very pretty redhead ran up to them. "Are you ok? ... who is this cutey? Hello I'm Kurama"

The former Sand resident blushed, "I-I'm Gaara."

"And how old are you, Gaara?" asked Kurama as Tomb set him down.

"I-I'm s-six." said the little red head.

Tomb smiled, "Gaara here is also Shukaku's host." Gaara held Tomb's leg, he was terrified at what might happen. What did happen was not something he expected ...

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