A Nest of Trouble

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Danzo smiled and went into the house and past the room where Doppel was wrapping Pierce's wounds ... he stopped and analyzed the unconscious homeless man on the bed ... he seemed so familiar, but why? How did he know this man?


Kurama watched Naruto talk with Danzo on the porch from his spot under a tree some distance away, "How should we ask him?" He asked his purple haired brother who was seated next to him.

"We should just be straight forward-"

"What are you two up to?"

Both Shukaku and Kurama jumped in shock, "Don't scare us like that, Goku!" They yelped, their brother just laughed at them as he dangled upside down from the tree branch.

Goku flipped and landed neatly on the ground, "Soooo, tell me what's up."

Shukaku sighed, "We were talking about Naruto-"

"Is something wrong with Naruto?" asked Kokou as he came over to them.

"No no nothing like that at all." chuckled Kurama. "We wanted to talk to Naruto about possibly being his mates and give him children."

"Last time I checked males can't bear children." said a puzzled Son Goku.

"Actually, Naruto invented a seal that makes it possible." smiled Shukaku.

Kokou blinked, "Really? ... would it be alright if I ask Naruto too?"

"Me too! ... wait, I don't know what goes into sex? Do you guys?" asked Goku. Kokou shook his head.

The former raccoon demon frowned, "No, I know where the parts go, but it seems like a lot of screaming and pain."

"It's pleasure not pain." Kurama gained the attention of his brothers and they waited for him to explain further ...


Naruto glanced across the clearing at Kurama who was talking about something with his siblings before he focused back on what Danzo was saying, "So you wouldn't recommend building a new village with this conflict -" He felt something tug on his pant leg and looked down to see Gaara. "Hey Gaara, what's up?"

Gaara pouted, "Can I see too?" He asked and pointed at the papers on the table Naruto and Danzo were sitting at.

"Of course." said Naruto with a chuckle as he stood up and placed the little red head in his seat. Naruto was glad to see that Gaara looked much healthier. With Iruka watching him that's no surprise! The marks around his eyes are apparently permanent, but that doesn't matter as long as he's healthy.

The blonde chuckled and pointed out different things on their map, "This place west of here is where we found the mine filled with gems and this is a river that cuts into a series of underground tunnels and each of these red dots are kingdoms and here, all the way in the east are some islands."

"Wow, there's a lot of them." He pointed at a squiggle next to the spot marked mines. "What's that?"

Danzo shrugged, "That is a hot spring, but we have to be careful there. Sai and Torune found a nest near it. According to their description the eggs are as big as you Gaara. It only seems wise to find out what laid them before poking around."

"Yes, that does make sense." said Naruto as Kurama and his siblings came over to him.

"Naruto, can we talk to you?" asked Kurama. Naruto nodded and followed the siblings to an empty bedroom to talk privately leaving Gaara staring curiously at the map.

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