Taking Flight

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Was this really going to happen today? Will the horror of war finally end?


Sato smiled and pointed up ahead, "The rebel camp is right over there ... shame."

"What was that?" asked Naruto.

"Oh umm nothing!" Sato squeaked. He didn't want to admit that he wasn't ready to get off the larger blonde's back just yet.

"Ok ... here we go." Naruto landed inside the camp and it wasn't a friendly welcome ...

All the rebel soldiers have been frantically looking for Sato since he hasn't been heard from after leaving to meet Cube. You see, the broadcast from Gemini didn't have Sato for very long. In fact, the entire camp missed the first part. They only know that Gemini was freed by an unknown group, but not that Sato was there or that Naruto was an ally. So everyone made a reasonable assumption ...

"STEP AWAY FROM OUR COMMANDER OR WE WILL SHOOT!" Every single soldier raised their guns or whatever weapon they had at the whiskered man they believed was holding their commander hostage.

General Black appeared looking furious, "Unhand Sato now."

With a tick mark pulsing on his temple Sato got off Naruto. "Quiet all of you and drop your weapons." The effect was instant. Everyone lowered their weapons."Naruto is not an enemy-"

"Oh, so he's a boyfriend or something? About time." said one soldier and several other nodded their heads.

"Yeah I was starting to think our commander was a nun!" laughed another soldier and many others started laughing. Sato turned bright red with a furious blush and it only got redder when he heard Naruto chuckle.

*boom* Sato slammed his fist into the earth below his feet making a crater and effectively getting everyone's attention, "All joking aside, we all need to get to Tasso now."

"This is about Gemini being overthrown, isn't it?" Black said seriously.

Sato nodded, "Naruto is the leader of the group that overthrew King Crab. He managed to destroy their military, but Tasso needs to be taken out now."

"That just got far more difficult. King Ash managed to get his laser cannon system back up and running." said Black.

"Shit ... no one can get within 500 meters with that damn system. It was supposed to be down for another week at least. It's was already a challenge with just the anti-aircraft guns." Sato frowned.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "So that was you guys who disabled that system. I received information about that impressive feet, but you don't need to worry about that. It's my peoples job to break down the defenses. The problem is that we don't know the advanced technology of Tasso so we don't know how to disable the security system inside."

"I see, that's why you need our help. You heard him. Everyone, prepare to fight!" Sato yelled and every soldier saluted before rushing to get everything they need.

"They respect you a great deal." commented Naruto.

"Yeah ... they're all bullheaded, but you won't find people more loyal." said Sato as his already began to line up to move out.

"How many soldiers do you have?" Naruto asked.

"5,600." Sato answered.

"I think I can manage that with only three puppets." muttered the ninja.

Sato raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean, Naruto?"

"Tasso is fast at getting information and that broadcast from Gemini didn't help. I have details on their practice drills so I know that it takes them three hours to gather their army. We got here in thirty minutes, we need to get this entire army to Tasso in under two and a half hours." explained the ninja.

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