Teach Us, Naruto!

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Tears flowed from the redhead's eyes ... it was Saiken and Isobu ... his family was together at last!


Minato scowled, "This is fucking ridiculous! How could the rebels win?! They were out matched in every way!"

"Hey Minato, calm down. I know you had some business with Cloud, but it's no big deal." said Jiraiya cheerfully, he clearly didn't know what kind of business it was because he wouldn't be so friendly with his former student if he knew about the kidnappings ...

"Yes ... yes you're right." (It's not like anything can be traced back to me so there's no point worrying.) He thought. "So tell me. Have you found out anything about that dragon flew right over Konoha?" asked Minato with a smug smirk. He was sure the dragon flew passed the village cause it knew Hiro was its master ...

Jiraiya grinned, "As a matter of fact I do. The dragon came from the desert far south of here before landing in Mist. Soon after it traveled over the village and landed near a cave in a swamp. While it was in Mist there were several reports of none other than Trickster being seen riding on its back."

"Of course, a titan having the dragon would make perfect sense because the prophecy says Hiro has to defeat the titans. That must be how he gets the dragons to bow to him, by defeating their master." theorized the blonde. The toad sage smiled slightly. In any other circumstance he would think this was obsession and it was getting out of hand, but considering Minato only lost his youngest son a few months ago, it might be a good thing to keep Minato's mind off the tragedy ...


"This won't be an easy task." said Danzo as he looked at a set of maps with Yahiko, Nagato and Naruto.

Naruto nodded, "You're right, but if we start with these villages." He pointed to a set of villages on the east side of the map. "Including the mining and fishing villages then we'd have a good foot hold."

Yahiko pointed to the southernmost part of the map, "That will destroy the trading and if we have Naruto's metal puppet army here to attack at the same time then that should cover a good deal of the territory. The biggest issue is the main kingdom in the center and the western kingdom."

"Definitely ... the defenses are strong in the western kingdom." said Nagato who had fully recovered.

"True, but there should be a way around them ... what's this?" Naruto pointed to a crescent moon shaped mark.

Danzo frowned, "That is a strange ravine."

"Were there any temple ruins near it?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, on both sides. Why?" asked Danzo as he looked at the blonde who appeared to be nearly 18 years old ...

"I don't think that is a ravine ... I think they're old catacombs and that means they could go right under the kingdom." said Naruto.

Yahiko put a finger to his chin in thought, "That would be an excellent entry point. I'll take Sai and Shin to check it out."

"I'm feeling much better so I'll come too." said Nagato as he followed Yahiko out.

A moment of silence passed before Danzo asked, "Are you sure about uniting all these villages and kingdoms into one nation, Naruto?"

"Yes ... I can't stand by and let things keep spiraling down hill for these people. The villages in the east are constantly being raided or just fighting with each other as the kingdoms are butchering, raping or enslaving people and that's not the worst ... it's anarchy." said Naruto seriously.

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