The Beginning

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Kurama chuckled as Naruto blushed and took his brothers into a bedroom, "Good thing Naruto has a lot of stamina." Itachi nodded with a light blush gracing his cheeks ... it was going to be a busy day ...


"Yay! I did it!" yelled little Fu as she stood upside down under a branch.

Naruto grinned, "Yes you did, great job! It's nearly dinner time so we better wrap this up guys." Everyone grabbed their things and ran back towards the houses. Sakura stopped and seemed like she wanted to say something. "Something wrong, Sakura?"

"No ... ummm ... why do you want us to learn healing techniques that don't require chakra?" asked the pinkette.

"There will be points in your life where you will be out of chakra and if you or a teammate is injured you need to know what to do. Trust me, I've been in that place a few times ... now what do you really want to ask me?" He smiled as Sakura twitched and he crouched down to her level.

Sakura glanced at the other kids, "Why were we taken? It doesn't make sense. Why would someone take kids from families and orphanages?"

The blonde sighed, "Greed, that's why. By taking you it's possible to make your aunt vote in favor for your kidnapper's desires. Konohamaru was taken to help bring power to another clan."

"Clan status and power? The hokage should have enough power." muttered Sakura.

"How did you know the hokage took you?" asked the blonde.

"We figured it out when the guards started talking about the rebels. They said that the hokage was funding Cloud and because of that he got favors that landed them their 'babysitting job' ... and I'm sure I saw the hokage before they drugged us for the trip to Cloud." said Sakura who was shaking slightly in anger as she thought about the hokage.

The blonde smiled and placed his hand on her head effectively calming her down, "Your aunt knows you're safe and don't worry about the hokage ... he'll get his one day." He watched as the pinkette smiled and ran for the house where the tasty aroma of food was coming from. Naruto frowned as he watched the kids. (He let them see him ... dammit Minato, you were never going to free them.)


Fugaku scowled, "He's mad."

"Who is, honey?" asked Mikoto as she walked into her husband's study.

"Minato ... he's losing it. He actually tried to force a proclamation that will give Hiro a harem and the hokage status when he's older." growled the Uchiha clan head.

"What?! He can't do that! ... that's why he wanted council women Haruno's vote, that bastard!" muttered Mikoto.

Another Uchiha member bolted into the house, "FUGAKU-SAMA! IT'S URGENT!"

"What is it?" demanded the clan head.

"It's councilman Takashi ... h-he's dead."

"WHAT?!" Fugaku and Mikoto left the compound and quickly went to the morgue ...

The medic in charge walked out to greet them. "So good to see you, Uchiha-sama."

Mikoto frowned, "Not really considering the circumstances ... how did the councilman die?"

"I-it was just a simple heart attack." The medic quickly left the room and started putting the councilman's body away.

"He seemed scared." whispered Mikoto.

Fugaku nodded and caught a glimpse of the councilman's hand as he was covered with a sheet and rolled away ... his finger was broken. "Something isn't right here. We need to gather all the evidence we can and get to the Daimyo fast or Minato will completely take over."

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