Dragon Fire

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"Wow, they are as big as us!" said Gaara as he stood next to a speckled egg. They didn't see the massive red eyes with black slits for pupils watching them from the rocks ...


Naruto raced out the door to track Gaara and Fu down. He was followed by everyone except Danzo and Pierce who stayed to watch the houses.

"Tell me, Pierce, how do you know the Akatsuki? After all, not many people know that what their mission was before they turned their sights to hunting demon vessels."

Pierce shook his head, "I-I don't know." e leaned over and there was a slight clinking in his jacket.

Danzo raised an eyebrow, "What is that sound?"

"It's just these bits of metal I carry with me. I can't seem to bring myself to get rid of them." said Pierce as he looked at one of the pieces of metal.

The former leader of ROOT watched the man carefully, "I think I know who you are, but we need to shave your face and clean your hair."


Mikoto strolled into her house and found her husband and son looking over several documents, "Find anything?"

"Unfortunately, yes." said Fugaku as he rubbed his temples. "There's a lot of evidence to show that Orochimaru was set up and that person captured Anko when she not so subtly started poking around. It's the same with Danzo ... I should not have asked him for help. That's probably what got him killed." The clan head felt so guilty for believing the false charges against Danzo for even a second and for most likely putting the old man in the line of fire.

"Honey, you couldn't have known." said Mikoto in an attempt to soothe her husband.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I still should've dug deeper."

Itachi sighed, "We can't change what happened, Dad. We should just focus on correcting it. How do we connect everything to Minato?"

Fugaku shifted through the papers in front of him and picked one, "I think Tsunade is our best bet. See, she visited Orochimaru's lab a week before his arrest."

"She goes there to ask him to experiment on something, he declines and she goes crying to her son. Of course, Minato being the mama's boy he is doesn't think twice about arresting Orochmaru on trumped up charges." said Itachi.

*bang* "Fugaku!" Shibi came storming into the compound. "You need to come to the Aburame compound now! It's about Sasuke, Shino and Neji!"

The three Uchiha didn't hesitate to follow the worried bug user. When they reached the compound they saw Shino, Neji and Sasuke battered and bruised with their clothes ripped. Hiashi, Hizashi and Hitomi were standing next to Neji.

"Oh my god, honey, what happened?" asked a very worried Mikoto as she kneeled next to her son.

"You were right ... about putting on the anti-rape seal on." remarked the Uchiha quietly.

Fugaku and Itachi's eyes narrowed in anger, "Who tried to hurt you?!"

"Hiro ... h-he had three anbu hold us down and he tried-..." Neji couldn't say any more, it was too disgusting. Hizashi was ready to go beat Hiro into the ground.

Mikoto was horrified, "That little monster!"

"Mom, he said he'd make us consent! That he'd make us bear his kids!" exclaimed a freaked out Sasuke.

"That won't happen!" stated Itachi.

"And what are we supposed to do against the hokage? Minato will not let them get away." snapped Hizashi.

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