Birth of a Sun

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"You think you're fast enough to dodge those guns?" asked Naruto with a smirk as the guns turned towards them and aimed ...

"Hell ya, just don't fall off." Brimstone roared and raced for the towers ...


A skinny old man in expensive robes known as King Ash cackled as he watched a massive television screen, "That idiot King Crab! Serves him right for getting captured. Blu do you see this? It's hilarious!"

"Yes mmmm I see, father mmm!" answered a bulbous black haired man through a mouthful of food while sitting in front of a long table filled with food. Blu didn't even bother to wipe his chin of the juices and crumbs as he chewed. The young man with long black hair braided down to his waist dressed in a blue genie outfit with a collar around his throat had the disgusting job of mopping up the mess the gluttonous prince left behind.

"King Ash, shall we begin deploying troops to Gemini?" asked a soldier who approached the throne.

"Yes, strike while they are confused and weak! Bring me King Crab's head too, I have the perfect spot on my mantel for it!" King Ash cackled as the soldier to prepare for the destruction of Gemini.

"How should mmmph we celebrate father? mmm a feast?" Blu smiled at the thought. The dark skinned servant rolled his exotic golden eyes as he wiped the prince's greasy chin. The servant's name was Jewel because of the red diamond cut mark in the center of his forehead and he wanted nothing more than to slice through the prince's throat with a butter knife, but that's why he had chains on his wrists and ankles keeping him out of reach from anything sharp. There was also a guard ready to shoot him if he tried anything ... again.

Why would the king and prince keep Jewel if they clearly will be killed if he gets loose? The answer is simple, humiliation and revenge.

You see, Jewel has successfully defended the mountain villages that were in between the two kingdoms from Tasso's rein for years. That is until two years ago. In a fit of rage at being beaten by a small army King Ash sent his entire army to overwhelm the mountains in an attack and captured several people. Ash forced Jewel to surrender in exchange for his peoples' lives, but then he forced Jewel to watch as he used each captive as target practice with the laser grid and on low power so they died slowly.

Death wasn't satisfying for the king in Jewel's case though. Instead he wanted the leader to suffer as a servant for defying them and here they were ... inches away from a furious skilled fighter waiting for the first opportunity to kill them ...

"A feast wouldn't be a bad idea." The king pondered. They ordered the servants to begin a feast to celebrate King Crab's defeat.

A soldier ran into the room, "Your majesties! There's something approaching the base of the mountain!"

"What a wonderful day!" cackled King Ash as he turned back to the jumbo screen and pressed a button to show views from multiple cameras. Jewel clenched his teeth, he knew the king was going to override the automatic sensors on one laser and kill who ever was coming towards the mountain. "Let's see, which laser should I use? ... the visibility sucks! What's with all this sand floating around? ... ah ha, I got you!" He switched the view to one camera and aimed at a human shaped silhouette ...

*bang* Jewel bit back a scream as he watched the silhouette of an innocent person collapsed on the ground dead ...

Prince Blu clapped, "An excellent shot as always, father!"

"Yes quite, your majesty. I shall tell the guards at tower 3 to collect the remains of your kill for display as usual." said the soldier with a bow before leaving.

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