Dragon Emperor

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However, Minato will still believe that the tides will turn in their favor because of Hiro's destiny, but one day years from now that belief will be burnt to a crisp ...


Kurama smiled as he slipped into the kids' room in the middle of the night. He peeked into the first child sized bed to look at the cute four year old red haired girl sleeping peacefully. "Sleep tight, Kana." He whispered and moved over to the next small bed to look at the cute blonde boy he knew had purple eyes like Sato. "Goodnight, Arashi." Kurama moved over to the next bed where a little boy with black hair slept with his blankets almost completely on the floor. "Sweet dreams, Izuna." He tucked the boy back in the covers and finally peered into the last bed where a baby girl with black hair, but gold bangs slept. "Sleep peacefully, Honey" Kurama gasped softly as a strong pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

"You should be sleeping, love." whispered the amused voice of the man behind Kurama as he kissed the redhead's neck making Kurama completely melt against him.

"I couldn't resist ... hmmm ... they're just so cute." Kurama hummed in contentment as he snuggled against the strong chest. He turned to look into the dazzling blue eyes of his husband who looked about 25 or so, "and what are you doing up, Naruto?" He whispered as they slipped out of the room.

Naruto sighed, "I have a meeting in Tasso. An emperor's job is never done."

"Neither is Doppelganger's." said Kurama with a knowing smirk.

"I can't resist either it seems." Naruto smiled sheepishly as he scratched his cheek. The puppet was secretly taking the emperor's place during most meetings so he could play with his kids. So far only Yahiko, Gaara, both Fus, Sai, Shin, Danzo, Orochimaru, Naruto's husbands and students knew about the switch. "I better go, goodbye." He pulled Kurama into a loving kiss and eventually left a dazed and flushed redhead behind ...


A couple hours later a knock was heard and a messy haired Kimimaro opened the door to see Yahiko, "Where is Emperor Komorebi?" He asked.

Kimimaro frowned, Yahiko only called Naruto that when it was urgent news, "Kurama just told us he was at a meeting in Tasso, but he left a couple hours ago so he should back any minute I would think. Why? What's wrong?" The white haired ninja asked as he scooped up the two year old baby girl with white hair and vivid green eyes tugging at his pant leg wanting her mommy's attention.

"Yes it is ... we got a message asking us to come to the Kage Summit from everyone ... Mei, Mifune, Onoki, Nagato and A." Yahiko didn't say anymore than that, he didn't want to scare the children.

Naruto appeared with his advisors Danzo and Orochimaru, "Yahiko what's wrong?" He asked his old friend and bodyguard as they stepped aside so the kids couldn't hear. This did seem urgent.

"Madara is back and he has declared war. A meeting was called." Yahiko hissed as he handed the summons over to the emperor.

"I see." Naruto frowned as he read the letters before giving them to his advisors. "Have Obito and Rin been informed?"

"Not yet." Yahiko answered.

"Go inform them and if they want to come tell them to be here in an hour." said Naruto. It seemed only right to give them the option since they were held hostage by the maniac.

Yahiko nodded, "Understood."

Once Yahiko left Naruto went into the kitchen to speak with his husbands who were all coming down for breakfast, "I need to speak with you guys. I'll be going over to the Kage Summit to attend a meeting that was called-"

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