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Hello, all my lovelies! If you don't know me, my name is Katie and if you are reading this that means my Dylan smut and imagines book has reached over 200K reads! I cannot truly explain how much it means to me that my writing has been so widely enjoyed by you guys and I am so thankful for you all. Writing, especially fanfiction, has always been a passion of mine and to be able to share it with a community of such great people who support me and my writing in so many ways is so incredibly special to me and with reaching the milestone of 200K reads I wanted to do something to celebrate. If you've been around here for a while you might remember the celebration I did when I hit 50K reads which is still open and active but I wanted to do something different than that. After weeks of brainstorming of what that could be, I decided to create a "lookbook" for all things Dylan O'Brien. This lookbook will include fake texts between Dylan and his characters such as Mitch Rapp from American Assassin, Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf, and more. There will also me gifs imagines, blurbs, mood boards, and much more. I'm very excited to share all my new ideas and creations with you guys and I hope you guys enjoy this new book as much as I have enjoyed creating with it. My goal is to update about every other day but depending on what's going on in my life it may be more or less. If you have any ideas for fake texts, gif imagines blurbs, mood boards, or literally anything else Dylan and character related please feel free to reach out. Also to kick off this whole thing, the first 25 people who add my lookbook to one of their reading lists I will be following back and get a shoutout in this book! But again I just want to say thank you so much again, I appreciate every single one of you, and I hope you enjoy!




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