Stuart Gif #2

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You walked into the first day of your internship at google as nervous as ever

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You walked into the first day of your internship at google as nervous as ever. You made your way down the giant stairs your orientation was being held at. Looking around you noticed all the seats were pretty much taken and you anxiousness started to raise even more. That was until your eyes locked with a guy, about your age, wearing thick-framed glasses, and a purple beanie. He was absolutely gorgeous and just knowing he was looking at you made you blush. You go to look away nervously but he pulls you back in with the sound of his voice.

"Y-you can sit next to me if you'd like..." He says smiling softly and pushing his phone into his jeans pocket.

You smile and blush even harder. "Thank you..."

Once seated your eyes meet each other again. "I'm Stuart by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Stuart, I'm Y/n." You respond with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too Y/n..." He grins back giving you a sly look.

You guys begin talking all about the internship and your lives and anything else you should think of. Before you knew it the presentation was even starting.

When groups were being formed you stuck together like glue and eventually found yourself on a mismatched team with leader Lyle.

The team seemed more lackluster than you or Stuart imagined. But as Lyle droned on about today's events Stuart leaned down and whispered to you. "At least we've got each other."

The words give you butterflies and you look up at him with a blushed smile. "Yeah, you're right." You giggle before thinking to yourself that this is going one crazy summer. 

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