Dylan Gif #5

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Imagine Dylan is at his first interview since you and he had broken up. Long-distance had been hard but your breaking point was when Dylan couldn't even make it back for Valentine's day. It's a cheesy holiday sure but you hadn't seen him in over two months and he had promised to fly back home to see you. You knew you still loved Dylan but you knew, for at least the time being, you couldn't handle getting hurt like that again. Dylan still loved you too and felt completely gutted by the entire situation.

The interview was going well, very well actually, until they brought you up.

"So how is your girlfriend y/n Dylan?" The interviewer asks him with a smile, not even realizing you two had split.

Dylan looks away immediately trying to hold in his emotions. He clears his throat and tries to pull himself together.

"Actually uh, we are, I mean, we're not together right now." He mumbles awkwardly looking back up.

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The interviewer looks at him surprised and sorry. "I didn't know Dylan I'm very sorry."

"Me too," Dylan says nodding. "I'm really sorry."

The interviewer, now obviously embarrassed and uncomfortable, moves on to the next topic and about Dylan's new films.

During the remainder interview, Dylan couldn't stop thinking about you and how he had let you down. It was like all the thoughts he's had since the break up were suddenly piling up and overflowing. The guilt for letting you down, the hurt in his heart from missing you, the anger he had at himself, all of it came rushing in. It was like for the first time he realized that this was real. And the pain of it all was too much. He knew he couldn't lose you. 

After the interview ended Dylan made short of his goodbyes and thank yous and bolted for the parking lot and his car. However, before he could get there he sees his manager, Greg, jogging to catch up with him

"Dylan where are you going?" Greg calls out, asking him, confused by his sudden odd behavior.

"To the airport. I know production is going to be pissed and I know I could potentially lose my role but a role is a role. But Y/n's the love of my life I can't lose her." He says knowing that Greg won't be happy about this.

Greg scoff rubbing his forehead. "You've got to be kidding me. This is your job Dylan, you can't just pick up and leave, shit I mean come on. Be a celebrity for god's sake, go get shit faced, take another girl home, get over this, and come into work tomorrow with your shit together. 

Dylan listens to his words carefully, his blood boiling under his skin. "You know what Greg, fuck you. You're the one who said I should go home back in February when she broke up with me, you're always the one telling me I can't go home. You're fucking fired." 

Without skipping a beat Dylan gets in his car and whips out of the parking lot. With his window down he hears Greg yell out to him. "Whatever O'Brien, it's your career, not mine!" 

Dylan thrusts his hand out the window and flips him off before speeding away. This was his chance to get you back and he wasn't going to let it slip through his fingers. He loved you with everything he had and one way or another he knew he'd figure out how to make this work. 

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