Stiles Gif #3

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Since becoming friends with you in middle school Stiles has always had a crush on you. Now juniors in high school he's still madly in love with you but hasn't gotten the courage to tell you yet. However, what he doesn't know is that you have always felt the exact same way.

Today was the day you would tell Stiles how you felt. You had confided in Scott, a close mutual friend of you and Stiles, about your feelings and somehow or another he convinced you to tell Stiles.

Earlier you had texted Stiles asking him to meet you at his locker before you both went home for the day. He, of course, agreed, assuming it was about homework or the pack or something.

As you walk up to him your heart begins to beat faster than you ever remember it going before.

"H-hey." You stutter out nervously when you reach him.

"Hey! What's up?" He asks happily, secretly just being excited to be with you right now.

You look down, pausing for a moment contemplating if you should really go through with this or not. Sighing you look up at him, meeting his eyes. "I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to tell you that I... sort of... like you, well honestly more than 'sort of' but anyways I know you probably don't feel the same but, I wanted you to know I guess."

The boy narrows his eyes and looks at you intently

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The boy narrows his eyes and looks at you intently. "Are you kidding?" He asks. "Do I feel the same way? Of course I do y/n, I've liked you for forever."

The sudden confession from his end sends you into shock, your cheeks blushing and your heart fluttering. "Really?" You ask hopefully.

"Yes really!" He chuckles a little, making you laugh a little as well. "Would you wanna maybe go out tonight? Get dinner?" He asks with a smile plastered to his face.

"Of course!" You say instantly.

"Okay, yes, awesome, pick you up at six?" He asks excitedly.

You nod in agreement. "That works for me."

He nods back still smiling. "I guess I'll see you then."

"See you then." You confirm happily.

Later that night Stiles picks you up and you head out on your date. By the end of the night you two are truly head over heels for one another and just beginning the rest of your lives together.

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