Stuart Gif #4

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Stuart knew he was in love with you before the first day of your guys' internship was even over. He had never met someone he felt so comfortable around within such a short period of time. Stuart knew he had always had trouble making friends, well honestly, he knew he had trouble with people in general. However, something about you was different to him, something that made his sarcastic anti-social shell crack. But of course, he's done his best to keep his feelings to himself... or at least away from you. One drunken night Stuart had made the mistake of telling Neha and of course, Neha and her big mouth told everyone else (besides you) on the team about his crush. Stuart made them all swear never to tell you, claiming he didn't want to ruin the friendship he had with you, which is true, but also because he secretly feared the feelings would come unreciprocated. But this didn't stop the team from teasing him whenever you weren't around.

This morning, however, he was in no mood to take any shit from any of them. He hadn't gotten a single full hour of sleep due to the wheels turning in his head all night long. He couldn't sleep because yesterday as he walked you to your car, as he does every day, you dropped the bomb on him. You had a date. Some guy named Ted or something, the name really didn't matter to Stuart. All Stuart could think of was that he might have just lost his chance with you and he would never get the chance to tell you how he feels about you, that he would never get a chance to be anything more than a friend to you. He loved being your friend of course, but he knows that deep down no matter how much he could try to deny it, he would always want more.

Walking into the workspace Stuart slumps down onto a beanbag and sighs in defeat before pulling his beanie down over his eyes to try to hide from the world.

Just then Neha walks in and sees the disheveled boy and chuckles

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Just then Neha walks in and sees the disheveled boy and chuckles. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm exhausted and I'm going to die alone." He states in a monotone voice.

Neha rolls her eyes before sitting down next to him. "Stu it's not that bad. So what? Y/n went out with someone. You still have a chance with her. We've all told you that you should just tell her how you feel."

Stuart lifts his beanie to look at her with a slight glare. "I regret ever telling you about Y/n. I'm never drinking again. I tell the truth when I'm drunk."

Neha laughs off his attitude that she, and everyone else on the team, has learned to do. "Whatever Stu, just try to pull yourself together, Y/n's going to be here in about... uhhhh...." She says trying to drag it out. "Thirty seconds."

Stuart jumps up and straightens himself out. He half expected Neha to be messing with him but once he's composed there you are walking through the door.

"Morning everyone!" You say smiling as you enter and throw your bag down by one of the desks.

You usually talk to Stuart first everyone morning so when he walks up to you, you smile happy to see him. You take a moment to just appreciate how handsome he is without even trying. You've been in love with him since the day you met, but of course, he doesn't know that. He's one of your best friends and you're convinced that he much more likely sees you as a sister than girlfriend material.

"Morning." He says smiling.

"Hi, Stu." You reply as you both stand at your desk and you pull out all the stuff you need for the day.

"How was the date last night?" Stuart asks surprising himself as the words seem to tumble out of his mouth before he even thought them through.

Sighing you try to push the memories from the night before out of your head. He guy ended up being a total asshole and you spent the entire time trying to figure out an excuse to leave and wishing you were with Stuart instead. "Honest it sucked, the guy was a jerk." You say slightly mumbling as you blush a little.

"I'm sorry that does suck, did he at least take you somewhere nice?" Stuart asks wanting to know the most information he can without prying too much and being too obvious.

You laugh and shake your head. "Nope, I ordered pasta, and somehow even that out nasty."

"He should have taken you to that place downtown off fourth street, they have amazing food, including killer pasta, and it's in that same neighborhood as that one park with the cool sculpture and stuff. Could have taken a nice walk or something" Stuart says before suddenly realizing he's started to ramble on about the date he's always pictured taking you on. Little did he know the picture his words painted in your head lit up your heart.

"That sounds like such a nice night. I'd love to go on a date like that." You say blushing knowing that it would only ever be as good as you were imagining if Stuart was the one with you.

Suddenly Stuart felt like the entire universe fell into place at that very moment. He now knew this was the chance he's been waiting on to ask you out. "T-then what do you say w-we, well you and I, you know, go do that tonight? Like as a date.." Stuart suddenly sputters out.

Despite the shock, you didn't hesitate for a single moment before spitting out an excited yes.

Stuart's heart almost exploded as you agreed to go out with him. You both agreed him picking you up at six and follow the plan he suggested only moments ago. You both were ecstatic as well as failing at trying to hide it.

Although on the outside it was just a simple first date, on the inside both you secretly hope this would be the first of many to come, and possibly the last first date ever. 

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