Dylan Gif #3

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Imagine Dylan bringing you to one of his conventions so that you could get to know some of his castmates better and hang out with some of your guys' friends

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Imagine Dylan bringing you to one of his conventions so that you could get to know some of his castmates better and hang out with some of your guys' friends. However, between interviews of his, he noticed you wandered off with one of his female co-stars from his new movie, Carly, to one of the seating areas. He would usually be completely fine with that but right now some guy is very obviously trying to first with you. He watches you intently from the other side of the room. He knows he has to stay at the table he's at for an interview but can't help himself from wanting to go over and punch the guy in the face who thinks he can just flirt with you like that. In his heart, he knows you wouldn't ever cheat on him but you're his girl and he wants everyone to know that.

Dylan decided to fake having to go to the bathroom before the next interview starts and he instead marches over to you and the guy.

Without saying anything Dylan leans down giving you a passionate kiss that you fall into immediately.

When he finally pulls away he smirks at you. "Hey baby, I'm almost finished with the interviews I swear, and then we can go check out that panel that you wanted to see okay?"

You smile up at him knowing there is no panel you wanted to see and that really all he was doing is being his handsome and protective self. "Ok Dyl, I'll be waiting for you." You say.

Carly hides her grin also knowing what was going on. He smiles and gives you a much more tame kiss this time before saying hi to his costar and then turning to leave and coming face to face with the other guy. He raises his eyebrows at him and tilts his head a little as if to ask if they were on the same page.

The other guy clears his throat and excuses himself leaving Dylan proud and you and Carly laugh to yourselves and then returning to casual conversation. 

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