Dylan Blurb #1

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My sister flew out to California for a while to visit with the family and tonight we all had dinner together. It was her, mom, dad, my longtime girlfriend Y/n, and me, and I loved every minute of it. It's not too often that we are able to get together like this and so when we do get the opportunity I like to make the most of it.

My mom is in the kitchen loading the dishwasher and I decide to go help her clean up.

"Hey, ma," I say with a big smile as I walk over to her.

She turns to me and smiles back. "Hey Dyl, everything okay? Your Dad's not giving Y/n too hard of a time about the Mets not being her favorite team again is he?" She says laughing a little.

I chuckle and begin helping her. "Nah, but if he was, don't worry she could take him."

She smiles before she stops what she's doing before looking around me to make sure the door is shut. Confused I'm about to ask her what's wrong but she leans in and begins to whisper. "Dylan I'll tell you right now, so you better be listening, if you do not marry that girl you're making the biggest mistake of your life, now the next time I see you, you better damn well have locked her down."

I can't help but let out a little laugh at her being so serious but cute at the same time. "Mom I... " I go to make up some excuse but then I bite my bottom lip nervously before checking around us once again. "Oh look, I know, I've been wanting to ask her but I'm scared she'll say no..."

She scoffs and waves her hands before returning to the dishes. "Trust me, honey, no girl looks at a man the way she looks at you who would say no to a proposal."

My heart flutters a little in both surprise and happiness. "R-really?"

Smiling she nods. "Really."

Just then Julia bursts through the door with a devilish grin on her face, eavesdropping as always. "And if you don't marry her bro, I will."

We both look at each other trying to be serious but erupt into a fit of laughter. I shake my head and walk over to give Julia a hug. "Sorry, Jules but she's all mine."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I loved writing this little blurb about Dyl and his family. I know they are super close in real life and I just felt like this would be a conversation that they would actually have in real life. I hope that makes sense but honestly, in general, I just love domestic Dylan. Like imagining him in simple real-life situations makes me so happy lol. So I hope you guys like it too!

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