Mitch Gif #1

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Imagine seeing Mitch for the first time since your guys' break up

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Imagine seeing Mitch for the first time since your guys' break up. It had been about a month and you still didn't know why after several great dates and starting to really fall for the man he broke things off with you.

However, what you didn't know is that he had broken up with you because he had been assigned to a long term overseas mission but wasn't able to tell you.

"Y/n?" He asks staring at you with tired and sad eyes.

"Mitch?" You say still shocked to see him.

He pauses for a second not saying anything but Mitch never liked small talk so it isn't unusual for him to go quiet sometimes. "I...." He goes to speak up but clears his throat and taking a step forward. "I've missed you."

Your heart skips a beat and your eyes meet his. "What am I supposed to say, Mitch?" You ask surprising yourself probably more than you do him. "We go out for weeks, you break things off out of the blue, disappear for a month, and now you want to tell me you miss me?"

"I want to know if you miss me too Y/n. I know I fucked things up but I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and if I know you still feel something for me I can explain." He says softly and completely serious.

For a moment you think about walking away not wanting to get hurt again but you've always trusted Mitch and you have missed him more than anything. Before the break up you had started picturing your life with Mitch and you knew you still wanted to be with him.

Nodding you decide to tell him the truth. "Yes I miss you, Mitch, you broke up with me," you say reminding him breaking up wasn't your doing.

He tilts his head down a little guilt washing over him before shaking his head and recomposing himself. "I know, and that was a huge mistake. I know that now. But please, come over tonight. I'll explain everything I promise." You pause unsure of what to do before he continues. "Please y/n? I don't want to lose you."

You agree to come over to his apartment at five for dinner and to talk. Mitch orders your guys' favorite take out food you two would always get on cozy nights in together before he left. He sits you down and begins explaining. You knew he worked for the CIA but he had told you he worked in intelligence gathering he didn't want you to know what he really did to keep you safe. He keeps apologizing for lying and breaking up with you saying that he'd do anything to get you back.

By the end of the night, you and Mitch are back together and stronger than ever. He promises to never lie to you again and to keep you safe and sound and never let anything happen to you. 

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