Thomas Gif #5

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All the boys on the glade gathered around waiting for the box the new greenie. Thomas stood beside Newt, his closest friend on the glade and fidgeted with his fingers anxiously.

Suddenly the metal crate rumbles to life indicating the greenie was on their way up. All the boys took their proper places as they do every new arrival knowing that sometimes the newbies can come out quite hostile and aggressive.

Once at the top, the lid pops off and for a second the glade is completely silent beside the soft movement that can be heard inside the box.

Alby, the leader of the glade steps closer to the box, prepared to help the greenie out if need be. But when he looks down he is greeted with a sight he didn't ever think he'd see.

You stand in the metal compartment looking up at him confused and scared.

Alby whips around to face the boys all staring at him waiting for him to act. Thomas and Newt glance over at one another both acknowledging the feeling that something is not right.

Alby clears his throat before speaking. "Its a girl." Most of the boys erupt in chartered confusion starting to now come and see for themselves. However, Alby stops them. "Stay back. We treat this like any other greenie." He commands trying to maintain some sense of confidence regardless of the uncertainty he's actually feeling within himself.

He turns back to you and his expression softens. "I'm Alby." He says softly trying not to spook you as he reaches out his hand, offering you his help. "Don't be scared, I'm here to help you."

Hesitantly you take his hand and he pulls you up and out. You gain your footing on the lush grass of the glade and lookup. You gasp at the sight of all the boys staring at you so intensely as well as the view of the glade and the walls surrounding it.

In the back of the crowd, Thomas locks his eyes on you and suddenly he feels like all the breath is sucked out of his lungs. His heart begins to race and a feeling he can't even describe fills up every bone in his body.


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"Newt... that's her, that's the girl I've been dreaming about." Thomas says breathlessly, unable to take his eyes off you.

Newt rolls his eyes at him. "Don't be such a sap, Tom. There aren't supposed to be girls here, I bet she's taken back b-"

Thomas cuts him off and turns to face him. "No Newt, this is the girl I've been seeing in my dreams, it's really her."

"You're serious?" Newt asks him now realizing this might be more complicated than he even thought.

Thomas nods and looks back at you, now walking away with Alby as he shouts telling everyone to go back to work. Before even thinking twice he suddenly begins pushing past the others and chasing after you and Alby.

This couldn't have been an accident, Thomas knew you were here for a reason, and nothing was going to stop him from getting to you. 

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