Dylan Gif #2

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Today was supposed to be a day for you and your boyfriend Dylan to spend together

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Today was supposed to be a day for you and your boyfriend Dylan to spend together. You had plans to go into the city shop around and then go out to a nice romantic restaurant to eat. However, at last minute Dylan got called into to do an interview. He felt terrible about having to drag you along so while but you really didn't mind.

All throughout the interview, he kept looking over to you making facing and doing things to try to make you laugh.

His manager gets a little frustrated and pauses the interview. "Dylan if you can't focus, we'll take Y/n out into the lounge instead."

"No!" He says immediately. "Please, I'm sorry. She's just too beautiful I can't help it sometimes..."

You can't help but giggle a little bit at him. But his manager just sighs again. "Ok fine, but if it happens again, I'm separating you two."

Dylan rolls his eyes before looking over at you and giving you a little wink.

Again you giggle at him and shake your head realizing how much you love that goofball. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! I hope you like this short little gif imagine because I really like making these lol. Anyways it would a ton to me if you voted and shared my stories and I will try to post again soon! 

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